Research Grants 11/21079-9 - Implantes osseointegrados, Transplante ósseo - BV FAPESP
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Tomographic assessment of bone formation in a critical size defect in the rabbit mandible filled up with freeze-dried bovine bone


Rehabilitation of patients with lack of bone height and width in the alveolar ridge is the main indication for bone grafts in the maxillofacial area. Among these grafts, autograft is considered the gold standard due to its osteogenic, osteoinductive and osteoconductive properties. However, the need of a second surgery site increases the postoperative pain, swelling and infection risk. This made researchers start to develop ways of transform allografts and xenografts in an alternative for autografts. Recently, a new bovine bone freeze drying process was developed aiming to keep its properties as close as possible to the in natura bone. Preliminary tests showed its good biocompatibility and physical properties. However, these tests were only performed on total hip arthroplasty surgeries. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess the freeze dried bovine bone block capacity to regenerates bone height and width in the maxillofacial area. For this, the chosen experimental model consists of creating critical size defects in rabbits mandible bilaterally, where one side will be filled up with bone graft, and the other one will be left empty, serving as control. Width, height and density will be assessed trough cone beam computed tomography scans. It is expected that the freeze dried bovine bone is capable to form new bone with sufficient dimensions to place dental implants, becoming a good option for autografts. (AU)

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