Research Grants 10/06057-6 - Átomos frios, Condensado de Bose-Einstein - BV FAPESP
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Theoretical analysis for the fragmentation of an atomic superfluid under oscilatory excitation


Over several years, our laboratory has worked on various aspects of research involving cold trapped atoms. We have been pioneers across Latin America in experiments with Bose-Einstein condensate, cold collisions and measurement of time and frequency. Currently we have worked with production of states of vortices as well as the production of turbulence by external excitation of the condensates. An important observation, which was performed in our laboratory, corresponds to fragmentation of the superfluid. This state was reached when we have an amplitude of oscillation on the excitation of the BEC, up to certain values. One of the explanations for such effects has been offered by Dr. Yukalov, and consists of an equivalence between temporal oscillations and random variations in space. The visit of Dr. Yukalov, should promote advances in the subject of fragementation. Besides the contribution to the interpretation of our experimental data, the visitor should also give several seminars in our institute. (AU)

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