Research Grants 12/16332-0 - Parede celular vegetal, Carboidratos - BV FAPESP
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Storage and cell wall carbohydrates from plants and filamentous fungi: changes in response to alelochemicals and environmental conditions


The plant cell wall is a highly organized and dynamic structure, which, in addition to its structural function, also plays a key role in mediating plant responses to the environment, changing its structure and composition in response to biotic and abiotic stresses. Recently, it has been demonstrated by our group that seeds of Sesbania virgata exudate high amounts of catechin and that this alelochemical inhibits seed germination and the growth of microbial species. However it is not known if this effect involves changing the seed metabolism of carbohydrates and cell walls and if it also inhibits germination of native species which co-occurs with S. virgata. Results obtained in previous thematic project FAPESP also indicated that pectic polysaccharides vary in response to changes in the environment in of plants of the cerrado and that the predominance of neutral pectic polymers (arabinans) can lead to greater flexibility of the wall in orthodox seeds, contributing to their desiccation tolerance. In filamentous fungi isolated from the rhizosphere of plants of cerrado, previous studies have revealed changes in the thickness and composition of their cell wall depending on the carbon source available in the culture medium. These results served as a basis for the proposition of this research project that besides proposing to continue studies with models already studied, includes new Brazilian native species, such as two bromeliads and filamentous fungi that produce oligosaccharides. The project is divided into 3 subprojects with the following goals: 1) evaluate the tolerance of species that co-occur with s. virgata to its exudated allelochemicals based on the metabolism of carbohydrates in comparison with agronomic species 2) analyze the variations in composition and structure of cell wall polysaccharides in plants native to cerrado under water deficit and low temperatures 3) evaluate the effect of inulin, fructose and sucrose on structure and composition of the cell walls and in the expression of genes related to production of oligosaccharides in filamentous fungi isolated from plants of the cerrado. Moreover, the project also includes the formation of human resources with the participation undergraduate students (PIBICCNPq), two Masters students, three doctoral students (2 CAPES-DINTER UNICAMP, 1 IBt), and a technician under my supervision. (AU)

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Scientific publications (16)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
GALVAO, DAIANE F. A.; PESSONI, ROSEMEIRE A. B.; ELSZTEIN, CAROLINA; MOREIRA, KEILA A.; MORAIS, MARCOS A.; LEONE FIGUEIREDO-RIBEIRO, RITA DE CASSIA; GASPAR, MARILIA; MORAIS, MARCIA M. C.; FIALHO, MAURICIO B.; BRAGA, MARCIA R.. A comparative study between Fusarium solani and Neocosmospora vasinfecta revealed differential profile of fructooligosaccharide production. Folia Microbiologica, v. N/A, p. 17-pg., . (12/16332-0, 05/04139-7)
CENTENO, DANILO C.; HELL, ALINE F.; BRAGA, MARCIA R.; DEL CAMPO, EVA M.; CASANO, LEONARDO M.. Contrasting strategies used by lichen microalgae to cope with desiccation-rehydration stress revealed by metabolite profiling and cell wall analysis. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, v. 18, n. 5, p. 1546-1560, . (05/04139-7, 12/16332-0)
CARVALHO, CAMILA PEREIRA; CARDOSO-GUSTAYSON, POLIANA; RODRIGUES, EDSON; BRAGA, MARCIA REGINA; MERCIER, HELENICE; NIEVOLA, CATARINA CARVALHO. Low temperature acclimation and de-acclimation of the subtropical bromeliad Nidularium minutum: Implications of changes in the NO, sugar content and NR activity. ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY, v. 159, p. 34-43, . (13/25047-0, 12/16332-0)
VIEIRA, EVANDRO ALVES; CENTENO, DANILO DA CRUZ; FRESCHI, LUCIANO; DA SILVA, EMERSON ALVES; BRAGA, MARCIA REGINA. The dual strategy of the bromeliad Pitcairnia burchellii Mez to cope with desiccation. ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY, v. 143, p. 135-148, . (12/14339-7, 12/16332-0)
PESSONI, ROSEMEIRE A. B.; TERSAROTTO, CARLA C.; MATEUS, CASSIA A. P.; ZERLIN, JULIANA K.; SIMOES, KELLY; FIGUEIREDO-RIBEIRO, RITA DE CASSIA L.; BRAGA, MARCIA R.. Fructose affecting morphology and inducing beta-fructofuranosidases in Penicillium janczewskii. SPRINGERPLUS, v. 4, . (05/04139-7, 12/16332-0)
SUGUIYAMA, VANESSA F.; SILVA, EMERSON A.; MEIRELLES, SERGIO T.; CENTENO, DANILO C.; BRAGA, MARCIA R.. Leaf metabolite profile of the Brazilian resurrection plant Barbacenia purpurea Hook. (Velloziaceae) shows two time-dependent responses during desiccation and recovering. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, v. 5, . (05/04139-7, 12/16332-0)
EL ID, VERA LYGIA; DA COSTA, BARBARA VALE; BROCH MIGNONI, DAIANE SALETE; VERONESI, MARINA BELLONI; SIMES, KELLY; BRAGA, MARCIA REGINA; DOS SANTOS JUNIOR, NELSON AUGUSTO. Phytotoxic effect of Sesbania virgata (Cav.) Pers. on seeds of agronomic and forestry species. JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH, v. 26, n. 2, p. 339-346, . (05/04139-7, 12/16332-0)
DE SOUZA COELHO, LEILYANE CONCEICAO; BROCH MIGNONI, DAIANE SALETE; BARBEDO, CLAUDIO JOSE; BRAGA, MARCIA REGINA. Seed leachates of the tropical legume Sesbania virgata: their effects on germination and seedling growth of tomato and rice. ACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM, v. 44, n. 10, p. 13-pg., . (05/04139-7, 12/16332-0)
NASCIMENTO, ALEX; SUGUIYAMA, VANESSA FUENTES; ESTEVES SANCHES, RODRIGO FAZANI; BRAGA, MARCIA R.; DA SILVA, EMERSON ALVES; NALDI SILVA, JOAO PAULO; CENTENO, DANILO C.. Barbacenia graminifolia, a resurrection plant with high capacity of water retention. FLORA, v. 267, . (12/23838-7, 12/16332-0)
LEILYANE C.S. COELHO; DAIANE S.B. MIGNONI; FÁBIO S.B. SILVA; MÁRCIA R. BRAGA. Exsudatos de sementes de Sesbania virgata (Cav.) Pers. estimulam a fase assimbiótica do fungo micorrízico arbuscular Gigaspora albida Becker & Hall. Hoehnea, v. 46, n. 1, . (05/04139-7, 12/16332-0)
VIEIRA, EVANDRO ALVES; SILVA, KLEBER RESENDE; ORIANI, ALINE; MORO, CAMILA FERNANDES; BRAGA, MARCIA REGINA. Mechanisms of desiccation tolerance in the bromeliad Pitcairnia burchellii Mez: biochemical adjustments and structural changes. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, v. 121, p. 21-30, . (12/14339-7, 12/16332-0)
BROCH MIGNONI, DAIANE SALETE; SIMES, KELLY; BRAGA, MARCIA REGINA. Potential allelopathic effects of the tropical legume Sesbania virgata on the alien Leucaena leucocephala related to seed carbohydrate metabolism. Biological Invasions, v. 20, n. 1, p. 165-180, . (12/16332-0, 13/03978-1)
MIGNONI, D. S. B.; SANT'ANA CABRAL, R.; TORRES, L. M. B.; BRAGA, M. R.. Phytotoxic effects of Leucaena leucocephala seeds on seeds germination and seedling growth of rice and tomato. ALLELOPATHY JOURNAL, v. 42, n. 2, p. 279-294, . (13/03978-1, 12/16332-0)
CARVALHO, CAMILA PEREIRA; HAYASHI, ADRIANA HISSAE; BRAGA, MARCIA REGINA; NIEVOLA, CATARINA CARVALHO. Biochemical and anatomical responses related to the in vitro survival of the tropical bromeliad Nidularium minutum to low temperatures. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, v. 71, p. 144-154, . (05/04139-7, 12/16332-0)
VERONESI, MARINA BELLONI; SIMOES, KELLY; DOS SANTOS-JUNIOR, NELSON AUGUSTO; BRAGA, MARCIA REGINA. Carbohydrate mobilisation in germinating seed of Enterolobium contortisiliquum and Peltophorum dubium (Fabaceae), two tropical trees used for restoration. Australian Journal of Botany, v. 62, n. 2, p. 132-140, . (05/04139-7, 10/14299-0, 12/16332-0)

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