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Characterization of sour starch and cassava starch modified by lactic acidification and oxidation by ozone aiming expansion in oven


The characteristics differ from those of sour candy and have been extensively studied in recent years mainly due to capacity expansion when subjected to baking. This property is obtained by fermentation and drying steps solar carried out naturally, that is, dependent on the prevailing conditions of production. So sour has been obtained so often handmade and shows inconsistency in their characteristics. The drying stage sunlight promotes oxidative degradation of the cassava starch broken by acidification. The modification of starches by oxidizing causes changes in the molecular structure thereof resulting in functional properties such as the ability to form slurries with high solids, high transparency and resistance to retrogradation. In [the case of the tapioca starch also promotes the growth furnace. Other sources treated under the same conditions can not demonstrate this same capacity. Several studies of oxidation of starch by ultraviolet radiation at specific wavelengths or artificial chemical agents have been developed. These studies, however, does not have complete explanations about the changes of starch resulting in their ability to expand in the oven. Thus, research that can contribute to a better understanding of this mechanism, as well as the proposal for a more controlled processing can produce products more standardized, and with that the user industry to generate profits for this raw material as well as generating possibilities of developing products for celiacs. Chemical agents most often used for the oxidation of starches may generate industrial residues that need treatment or before discharge, foods containing undesirable residues. The oxidation by ozone is considered "green" technology because they do not generate these same drawbacks, presenting itself as a sustainable way out for this modification. Thus the aim of this study is to evaluate molecular, structural and functional cassava starch after acidification / oxidation by natural methods (commercial samples of sour) and artificial (lactic acidification and oxidation by ozone) mainly targeting the expansion of the same oven. In the treatment by ozone will be tested several parameters in order to better conditions of oxidation. (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MATTA JUNIOR, M. D.; CASTANHA, NANCI; PRUDENTE DOS ANJOS, CARLOTA BORALLI; DUARTE AUGUSTO, PEDRO ESTEVES; SARMENTO, SILENE BRUDER S.. Ozone technology as an alternative to fermentative processes to improve the oven-expansion properties of cassava starch. Food Research International, v. 123, p. 56-63, . (16/18052-5, 12/50976-1)

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