Research Grants 12/20719-7 - Comportamento verbal, Análise do comportamento - BV FAPESP
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Research exchange with Darlene Crone-Todd, PhD. - Salem State University


The international participation of the Laboratório de Aprendizagem Humana, Multimídia Interativa e Ensino Informatizado (LAHMIEI) research group, at the Department of Psychology and Special Education of UFSCar, has been increasing throughout the years and, currently, it has been playing an important role in the collaborative work between Brazilian public universities and universities around the world through grant and scholarship awards by FAPESP, CNPq and CAPES. As an indicator of the potential of this international participation we mention the Seminário Internacional de Pesquisa do LAHMIEI, which is in its fifth edition. The I Seminário had Dr. Richard Saunders, from University of Kansas. The II Seminário had Dr. Thomas S. Higbee, from Utah State University - Logan as the invited speaker. The III Seminário had Dr. Edmund J. Fantino and Stephanie Stolarz-Fantino, from University of California - San Diego. The IV Seminário had Dr. Caio Miguel, from California State University - Sacramento as the invited speaker. During this year, we had the VI Seminário with Dr. Joseph Pear, University of Manitoba, who co-advised one of our students (Marileide Oliveira) for a one-year scholarship (CAPES and CNPq). Currently, the international participation of the LAHMIEI research group has been greatly noted through the São Paulo School for Advanced Science (ESPCA): Advances in research and treatment of autistic behavior, supported by FAPESP. The conference was held from January 9th to 13th of 2012 and received researchers and students from Brazil and from all over the world who met to discuss the contemporary advances in research and treatment of individuals with autism. Currently, Dr. Crone-Todd is an assistant professor at Salem State University, United States. She has published research articles in a number of specialized journals, she is the executive director of the Society for the Quantitative Analyses of Behavior (SQAB), and she is also the chief editor of The Behavior Analyst Today Journal. Her current research interests are: human choice behavior, schedules of reinforcement, behavioral analysis of complex behavior, human-technology interactions, computer-mediated teaching, and applications of behavior analysis to difficult problem behavior. For the VII Seminário we aim to apply for financial support due to continue international participation of the LAHMIEI research group and to develop research in collaboration with Dr. Darlene Crone-Todd. The invitation is justified, firstly, because of the contributions of Dr. Darlene Crone-Todd to the area and, hence, because it will make possible to the LAHMIEI research group to attend to research activities in collaboration with the referred professor. The research projects Dr. Darlene Crone-Todd will be consulting in on during his visit are listed in the attached file "Description of Research Projects". The required funding will allow Dr. Darlene Crone-Todd to participate in the following activities: (1) two oral data-based or conceptual/theoretical presentations of your choice to graduate and undergraduate psychology students and faculty of at our 7th International Research Seminar, organized by the students of our laboratory; (2) advice for the projects related to the related areas, and conducted by the researchers of LAHMIEI; (3) discuss details about your forthcoming sabbatical leave from Salem State University and the prospect of spending a three-month research visit at our laboratory at UFSCar; (4) submission of articles, written in collaboration, to international journals; (5) data discussion and design of new projects to be conducted in collaboration. (AU)

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