Research Grants 13/01825-3 - Bacias sedimentares, Rochas sedimentares - BV FAPESP
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Relationship between facies and microscale heterogeneities in analogues of fluvial system reservoirs from the Camaquã (RS) and Tucano Central (BA) basins


In a petroleum system, reservoir rocks are rock bodies with porosity and permeability high enough to host and allow the flow of hydrocarbons. The spatial distribution of those two petrophysical properties (porosity and permeability) is inhomogenious and, in conventional clastic reservoirs, is related to the depositional system, the distribution of facies and the diagenetic evolution. The spatial distribution of porosity in the reservoir rock influences the volume of hydrocarbons. On its turn, the permeability controls the flow of fluids in the reservoir and therefore impacts both the planning of production and the volume of recoverable hydrocarbons. In this context, the present research project proposes the study and the recognition of microscale heterogeneities in sandstone, and the relationship of these heterogeneities with the different facies and architectural elements of fluvial depositional systems. In order to do that, we propose the study of fluvial deposits of the Marizal and São Sebastião Formations (Cretaceous, Tucano Central Basin, BA) and of the Santa Bárbara and Guaritas Formations (Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian, Camaquã Basin, RS), considering the extensive studies on the sedimentology and stratigraphy of these units developed by the proposing group in more than five years of continuous research. The results might be applied as a tool in the prediction of the tridimentional distribution of the properties controlling the migration of fluids (hydrocarbons and water) in reservoirs formed in depositional systems with characteristics similar to those of the studied cases. It must be mentioned that the project will fund the research and laboratory analyses of four undergraduate students in UniSantos, with ongoing scholarships and supervised by Profa. Dra. Liliane Janikian Paes de Almeida, as well as four Ph.D. candidates of the Instituto de Geociências in USP, supervised by Prof. Dr. Renato Paes de Almeida. (AU)

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Scientific publications (5)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
TAMURA, LARISSA NATSUMI; DE ALMEIDA, RENATO PAES; TAIOLI, FABIO; MARCONATO, ANDRE; JANIKIAN, LILIANE. Arquitetura deposicional investigada por Radar de Penetração no Solo: Formações São Sebastião e Marizal das Sub-bacias do Tucano Sul e Central, Cretáceo (Nordeste do Brasil). BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 46, n. 1, p. 15-27, . (13/01825-3, 14/16739-8, 14/09800-2)
FIGUEIREDO, FELIPE T.; ALMEIDA, RENATO P.; FREITAS, BERNARDO T.; MARCONATO, ANDRE; CARRERA, SIMONE C.; TURRA, BRUNO B.. Tectonic activation, source area stratigraphy and provenance changes in a rift basin: the Early Cretaceous Tucano Basin (NE-Brazil). BASIN RESEARCH, v. 28, n. 4, p. 433-445, . (13/01825-3)
DE ALMEIDA, RENATO PAES; GALEAZZI, CRISTIANO PADALINO; FREITAS, BERNARDO TAVARES; JANIKIAN, LILIANE; LANNIRUBERTO, MARCO; MARCONATO, ANDRE. Large barchanoid dunes in the Amazon River and the rock record: Implications for interpreting large river systems. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 454, p. 92-102, . (13/01825-3, 14/16739-8, 14/09800-2, 13/02114-3, 12/50260-6)
ALMEIDA, RENATO P.; FREITAS, BERNARDO T.; TURRA, BRUNO B.; FIGUEIREDO, FELIPE T.; MARCONATO, ANDRE; JANIKIAN, LILIANE. Reconstructing fluvial bar surfaces from compound cross-strata and the interpretation of bar accretion direction in large river deposits. SEDIMENTOLOGY, v. 63, n. 3, p. 609-628, . (13/01825-3, 14/16739-8)
FREITAS, BERNARDO T.; ALMEIDA, RENATO P.; CARRERA, SIMONE C.; FIGUEIREDO, FELIPE T.; TURRA, BRUNO B.; VAREJAO, FILIPE G.; ASSINE, MARIO L.. Aptian sedimentation in the Reconcavo-Tucano-Jatoba Rift System and its tectonic and paleogeographic significance. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 80, p. 460-481, . (13/01825-3, 14/16739-8, 14/00519-9, 16/03091-5, 16/19736-5)

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