Research Grants 13/18041-5 - Processamento de sinais, Acústica - BV FAPESP
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Combination of adaptive algorithms and distributed adaptive filtering applied to acoustics


The following activities should be realized during the visit of Prof. Luis A. Azpicueta Ruiz: 1) It is scheduled the talk "Application of combinations of adaptive filtering algorithms in room acoustics." This talk has three goals: (i) introduce Prof. Azpicueta to our colleagues in EPUSP; (ii) present his recent research results; and, (iii) invite the attendees to the tutorial on acoustics that Prof. Azpicueta will present at EPUSP in the middle of his stay in São Paulo (see item 2 below). 2) Prof. Azpicueta will present a tutorial of two or three days in the middle of his stay in São Paulo. The tutorial is entitled "Tutorial on fundamentals of acoustics, room acoustics, and acoustic instrumentation."3) The collaboration between EPUSP and UC3M can be strengthened with the visit of Prof. Azpicueta. Some issues previously discussed and that could advance during his visit are: (i) Define simulation scenarios to compare different schemes of combination of adaptive algorithms, such as convex, linear, and affine combinations, taking also into account partial and hierarchical schemes. We intend to submit a paper to Signal Processing Magazine, which is the journal of the highest impact in the signal processing area; (ii) Although several proposals to reduce the computational cost of the combination have appeared in the literature, further study of these strategies needs to be done in order to quantify the performance deterioration of the combination due to the cost reduction. We intend to study and compare different strategies in a theoretical and experimental manner; (iii) In the context of adaptive networks, we intend to study and design a new type of diffusion mechanism and adaptation rules, considering scenarios more realistic than those proposed in the literature, taking into account systems that combine different topologies and/or where the topology varies adaptively. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
FERNANDEZ-BES, JESUS; AZPICUETA-RUIZ, LUIS A.; ARENAS-GARCIA, JERONIMO; SILVA, MAGNO T. M.. Distributed estimation in diffusion networks using affine least-squares combiners. DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING, v. 36, p. 1-14, . (13/18041-5, 12/24835-1)

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