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Sociambiental dynamics, local development and sustentability in São Paulo-Paraná-Matogrosso do Sul divisory boundary


The frontiers are boundarys, this means, integration areas where the processes manifest itself by such a discontinued objective logic of landscape, or still, by a permeabiliality too accentuated between the territory fragment submitted to territorials definitions or redefinitions more, or, less, independents. This Project has how biggest objective studying differents ways of integration on territorial parcels whom for belong to differents regional fields, know differents development levels, differents administrative structure and differents relations with the exchanges. The processes understanding just will be possible from differents perspectives convergency: study about the ambiental wealth, about rural development, about regional and urban projecting and stilI about the socioambiental and territorial dynamics. In this way, its necessary develop studies inside of economic and social context predominant beyond of territorial occupation history and especially, we have in consideration the sucessives societys "and their relations with the wealth, or (1), the ambiental wealth degradation from a conjoined analysis: water current, desmatament, erosion, assoreament, despemization; (2) the use and property of sand history; (3) of impacts of big buildings- hydroelectric, alcohol factorys; (4) of social movements reflexs, prime reason, the MST; (5) of ecologic potencial alteration reflexs and biological exploration about local regional sustentability development. The conjoined analysis will be effectuated from the teorical-metodologic broaching turned to geossystemic model, recognized like such an anthropic notion, or, it (the geossystem) has not function to explain the society in its relation with territory , but of understanding the territory mien and operating under the society impact. One of the project aims, the texts production, under the general title The divisory boundary and its municipal district: socioambiental contrasts and conflicts", will be publicated, initially, on quinzenal regional encart (on regional press), would be group in book format. (AU)

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