Scientific studies and innovative applications on CVD-diamond, diamond-like carbon (DLC) and nano structured carbon, obtained by chemical vapor deposition
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Scientific studies and innovative applications on CVD-diamond, diamond-like carbon (DLC) and nano structured carbon, obtained by chemical vapor deposition

Grant number: 14/12508-1
Support Opportunities:Multi-user Equipment Program
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Materials and Metallurgical Engineering - Nonmetallic Materials
Principal Investigator:Vladimir Jesus Trava-Airoldi
Grantee:Vladimir Jesus Trava-Airoldi
Host Institution: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (Brasil). São José dos Campos , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:12/15857-1 - Scientific studies and innovation application on CVD diamond, DLC and carbon nanostructures obtained by chemical vapor deposition technique, AP.TEM
As informações de acesso ao Equipamento Multiusuário são de responsabilidade do Pesquisador responsável
EMU web page: Página do Equipamento Multiusuário não informada
Type of equipment:Caracterização de Materiais - Espectroscopia - Raman
Manufacturer: Fabricante não informado
Model: Modelo não informado


Raman scattering spectroscopy is one of the most important techniques of characterization normally used on Carbon materials analyses, especially related with nano structured carbon, as has been the trend of the scientific community, and in evidence in the Thematic Project already approved (proc. No. 2012/15875-1), where multiple wavelengths are needed. Therefore, this project aims to support the continuity of our work, now in progress, by the scientific community that's asking for improving our infrastructure in this area of characterization. For that, resources are requested for the acquisition of a Raman scattering spectroscopy equipment, which can operate on different wavelengths, as well as at low temperatures, where nanostructures can be better studied. As a part of this system, we also are asking an integrated "mini" Raman system that will assist the more immediate characterizations, and even "in situ" characterizations giving more agility to the research and preserving the main system. Also, it will be used for characterization inside of long tubes, that is an important project being developed in the Dimare project, as a part of Thematic Project cited above, and still be able to help us in the characterizations in other laboratories with "associated and/or complementary" projects out of INPE. The mini system is very easy to transportation from lab to lab. This multi-user project will attend the current demand of all groups that already participate in the Thematic Project as others who have interest in the technique.Specific emphasis is given on different carbon materials characterization, produced in nanoscale, which Raman technique is crucial, mainly targeting the different technological applications, which has been a focus of a requesting of our research group. Among the different materials studied, this project aims to assist studies in which the Raman technique with multiple wavelengths becomes an indispensable tool, such as: analysis of sp2/sp3 ratio in nano and micro diamond coatings, carbon nanotubes, diamond-like carbon (DLC) with different levels of hydrogenation, graphens, carbon fibers, carbon glass, as well as the analysis in polymeric-conductor thin films, biocompatible ceramics, and photoluminescence measurement in porous Si. Also, the subject of this project is still using the Phonon confinement model stress determination and crystallite size of diamond nanostructures and/or porous silicon, in which the sensitivity of the Raman line of first order only occurs with UV excitation and the model can be applied. (AU)

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