Research Grants 15/06551-4 - Neoplasias colorretais, Caderinas - BV FAPESP
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Relationship between tumor budding and pathological variables and prognosis in liver metastases of colorectal cancer

Grant number: 15/06551-4
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Medicine - Surgery
Principal Investigator:Paulo Herman
Grantee:Paulo Herman
Host Institution: Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP (HCFMUSP). Secretaria da Saúde (São Paulo - Estado). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers: Gilton Marques Fonseca


Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most frequent tumors and the most frequent cause of liver metastases. Surgical experience with colorectal cancer liver metastases (CRLM) has increased, leading to an overall 5-year survival up to 58%, showing that curative treatment is possible. There are many pathologic criteria with prognostic impact described for the primary tumor however, most of them have not been studied in CRLM as presence of tumor budding, when individual cells or groups of up to five detached cells beyond the tumor edge are observed. The presence of budding is considered a poor prognostic factor in CRC and an independent predictor of lymph node metastasis. Considering that the presence of tumor budding is related with epithelial mesenchymal transition and the wnt signaling pathway, there seems to be a possible correlation with the expression of E-cadherin and beta-catenin. The aim of this study is to evaluate the presence of tumor budding in patients with CRLM subjected to resection and its impact on prognosis. As secondary aims, other histopathologic factors as the presence of sinusoidal invasion, portal invasion and intra-hepatic lymphatic invasion will be evaluated. Moreover, we will try to correlate the presence of tumor budding and the expression of E-cadherin and beta-catenin. The results of this study may open perspectives to identify new histological criteria related to CRLM allowing a better prognostic stratification of patients and the identification of patterns of recurrence. (AU)

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Scientific publications (5)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
FONSECA, GILTON M.; HERMAN, PAULO; FARAJ, SHEILA F.; KRUGER, JAIME A. P.; COELHO, FABRICIO F.; JEISMANN, VAGNER B.; CECCONELLO, IVAN; ALVES, VENANCIO A. F.; PAWLIK, TIMOTHY M.; DE MELLO, EVANDRO S.. Pathological factors and prognosis of resected liver metastases of colorectal carcinoma: implications and proposal for a pathological reporting protocol. Histopathology, v. 72, n. 3, p. 377-390, . (15/06551-4)
FONSECA, GILTON M.; DE MELLO, EVANDRO S.; FARAJ, SHEILA F.; KRUGER, JAIME A. P.; JEISMANN, VAGNER B.; COELHO, FABRICIO F.; ALVES, VENANCIO A. F.; HERMAN, PAULO. Histopathological factors versus margin size in single colorectal liver metastases: Does a 1-cm margin size matter?. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY, v. 111, n. 1, p. 8-pg., . (15/06551-4)
FONSECA, GILTON M.; DE MELLO, EVANDRO S.; COELHO, FABRICIO F.; KRUGER, JAIME A. P.; FARAJ, SHEILA F.; JEISMANN, VAGNER B.; PAWLIK, TIMOTHY M.; HERMAN, PAULO. Reply to ``Poorly differentiated clusters in colorectal liver metastases: Prognostic significance in synchronous and metachronous metastases{''}. JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY, v. 117, n. 8, p. 1858-1859, . (15/06551-4)
FONSECA, GILTON M.; DE MELLO, EVANDRO S.; FARAJ, SHEILA F.; KRUGER, JAIME A. P.; COELHO, FABRICIO F.; JEISMANN, VAGNER B.; LUPINACCI, RENATO M.; CECCONELLO, IVAN; ALVES, VENANCIO A. F.; PAWLIK, TIMOTHY M.; et al. Prognostic significance of poorly differentiated clusters and tumor budding in colorectal liver metastases. JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY, v. 117, n. 7, p. 1364-1375, . (15/06551-4)
FONSECA, GILTON M.; DE MELLO, EVANDRO S.; COELHO, FABRICIO F.; KRUGER, JAIME A. P.; FARAJ, SHEILA F.; JEISMANN, VAGNER B.; PAWLIK, TIMOTHY M.; HERMAN, PAULO. Reply to "Poorly differentiated clusters in colorectal liver metastases: Prognostic significance in synchronous and metachronous metastases". JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY, v. 117, n. 8, p. 2-pg., . (15/06551-4)

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