Research Grants 15/17234-0 - Cromodinâmica quântica, Formalismo da frente de luz - BV FAPESP
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Properties of hadrons and nuclei in vacuum and medium based on quarks and gluons


The large hadron collider (LHC) is now well recognized, even outside the scientific community, for its discovery of the "god particle", the Higgs boson, which gives the origin of masses for all the fundamental particles in Standard Model (SM) (issues of neutrino masses and neutrino oscillations are beyond the Standard Model). On the other hand, most of the mass of the visible Universe is carried by protons, neutrons and atomic nuclei, which are not elementary. Their masses are the result of the strong force acting between quarks and gluons, which is described by a theory known as Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). The main aims of the research projects presented here are to explore the structure of strongly interacting particles (known as hadrons) in free space and in medium. In the latter case, we are especially interested in the dense matter, the matter exists in the center of a large mass nuclei (e.g., a led nucleus), the core of neutron star, or the matter produced in high-energy heavy ion collisions.Hadrons, including the protons and neutrons which form the core of nuclei and atoms around us, interact strongly and are made of quarks and gluons. As we already mentioned, the dynamics of these quarks and gluons is described by a local gauge theory, called QCD. For a very long period, human beings strove to find the smallest constituents of matter. So far as we know,within the limits imposed by the energies that have so far been achieved, it is believed that the quarks and gluons, the leptons and the Higgs boson, are the smallest constituents of the matter. Although QCD is believed to be the theory of the strong interaction describing the dynamicsof quarks and gluons, the hadrons show much richer, unexpected features which emerge fromQCD but cannot be easily understood in terms of it. This feature becomes particularly evidentwhen hadrons are immersed in medium, or surrounded by many hadrons. In order to understand better the rich phenomena associated with hadron structure, experiments are being performed around the world in facilities such as JLab (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in the USA), RHIC (the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory in the USA), Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (in the USA), J-PARC (the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex), FAIR (the international Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Germany), COSY (Institute for Nuclear Physics in Juelich, Germany), and CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research, where the LHC is situated). One of the most important aims of this research proposal is to relate our theoretical investigations of the rich nature of hadronic matter, to the experimental results coming from these world wide experimental facilities. This is very important for Brazil as well as the state of Sao Paulo. (AU)

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Scientific publications (19)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
CARAMES, T. F.; FONTOURA, C. E.; KREIN, G.; TSUSHIMA, K.; VIJANDE, J.; VALCARCE, A.. Hadronic molecules with a (D)over-bar meson in a medium. Physical Review D, v. 94, n. 3, . (13/01907-0, 15/50326-5, 15/17234-0)
COBOS-MARTINEZ, J. J.; TSUSHIMA, K.; KREIN, G.; THOMAS, A. W.. Phi-meson-nucleus bound states. Physical Review C, v. 96, n. 3, . (13/01907-0, 15/17234-0)
HUTAURUK, PARADA T. P.; OH, YONGSEOK; TSUSHIMA, K.. Impact of medium modifications of the nucleon weak and electromagnetic form factors on the neutrino mean free path in dense matter. Physical Review D, v. 98, n. 1, . (17/05660-0, 15/17234-0)
RAMALHO, G.; TSUSHIMA, K.. Axial form factors of the octet baryons in a covariant quark model. Physical Review D, v. 94, n. 1, . (14/26892-8, 15/17234-0)
COBOS-MARTINEZ, J. J.; TSUSHIMA, K.; KREIN, G.; THOMAS, A. W.. phi meson mass and decay width in nuclear matter and nuclei. Physics Letters B, v. 771, p. 113-118, . (13/01907-0, 15/17234-0)
DE MELO, J. P. B. C.; TSUSHIMA, K.; AHMED, I.. In-medium pion valence distributions in a light-front model. Physics Letters B, v. 766, p. 125-131, . (15/16295-5, 16/04191-3, 15/17234-0)
RAMALHO, G.; TSUSHIMA, K.. Axial form factors of the octet baryons in a covariant quark model. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 94, n. 1, p. 31-pg., . (15/17234-0, 14/26892-8)
COBOS-MARTINEZ, J. J.; TSUSHIMA, K.; KREIN, G.; THOMAS, A. W.; IOP. Partial restoration of chiral symmetry in cold nuclear matter: the phi-meson case. WAKE CONFERENCE 2021, v. 912, p. 10-pg., . (15/17234-0, 13/01907-0)
SHYAM, R.; TSUSHIMA, K.. (D)over-barD meson pair production in antiproton-nucleus collisions. Physical Review D, v. 94, n. 7, . (15/17234-0, 16/04191-3)
KREIN, G.; THOMAS, A. W.; TSUSHIMA, K.. Nuclear-bound quarkonia and heavy-flavor hadrons. PROGRESS IN PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS, v. 100, p. 161-210, . (15/17234-0)
DE MELO, J. P. B. C.; TSUSHIMA, K.. rho-Meson properties in medium. Physics Letters B, v. 788, p. 137-146, . (15/16295-5, 17/05660-0, 15/17234-0)
SHYAM, R.; TSUSHIMA, K.. Production of Lambda(+)(c) hypernuclei in antiproton-nucleus collisions. Physics Letters B, v. 770, p. 236-241, . (16/04191-3, 15/17234-0)
DE ARAUJO, W. R. B.; DE MELO, J. P. B. C.; TSUSHIMA, K.. Study of the in-medium nucleon electromagnetic form factors using a light-front nucleon wave function combined with the quark-meson coupling model. Nuclear Physics A, v. 970, p. 325-352, . (15/16295-5, 15/17234-0)
HUTAURUK, PARADA T. P.; OH, YONGSEOK; TSUSHIMA, K.. Impact of medium modifications of the nucleon weak and electromagnetic form factors on the neutrino mean free path in dense matter. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 98, n. 1, p. 12-pg., . (15/17234-0, 17/05660-0)
COBOS-MARTINEZ, J. J.; TSUSHIMA, K.; KREIN, G.; THOMAS, A. W.. Phi-meson-nucleus bound states. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, v. 96, n. 3, p. 8-pg., . (15/17234-0, 13/01907-0)
CARAMES, T. F.; FONTOURA, C. E.; KREIN, G.; TSUSHIMA, K.; VIJANDE, J.; VALCARCE, A.. Hadronic molecules with a (D)over-bar meson in a medium. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 94, n. 3, p. 10-pg., . (15/17234-0, 15/50326-5, 13/01907-0)
SHYAM, R.; TSUSHIMA, K.. (D)over-barD meson pair production in antiproton-nucleus collisions. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 94, n. 7, p. 11-pg., . (16/04191-3, 15/17234-0)
YABUSAKI, GEORGE H. S.; DE MELO, J. P. B. C.; DE PAULA, WAYNE; TSUSHIMA, K.; FREDERICO, T.. In-Medium K+ Electromagnetic Form Factor with a Symmetric Vertex in a Light Front Approach. FEW-BODY SYSTEMS, v. 59, n. 3, . (15/17234-0, 17/05660-0, 15/16295-5)

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