Research Grants 15/20689-9 - Física de hádrons, Cromodinâmica quântica - BV FAPESP
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Precise determination of fundamental QCD parameters


The precise knowledge of fundamental Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) parameters is essential to precision calculations in particle physics. Several of them can be determined through the sound theoretical description of hadronic tau decays combined with experimental data obtained at LEP (CERN). In 2014, the group responsible for the ALEPH data published a re-analysis of the data for hadronic tau decays. The first goal of this research project is to refine the determination of alpha_s --- the strong coupling --- combining the recent theoretical developments with the data sets from ALEPH and OPAL collaborations. Other aspects of the theoretical description will also be assessed, e.g., low-energy constants, the contribution of condensates, and violations of quark-hadron duality. In our work, it will also be important to investigate more fundamental theoretical aspects of perturbative QCD, such as the use of the renormalization group. In parallel, other research lines, linked to LHC physics should also be explored. First, the precise theoretical description of hadronic interactions in three body decays of D and B mesons. Finally, we should study experimental constraints on anomalous couplings of the Higgs boson in the context of the dimension 6 effective lagragian. This research project should contribute to establish Particle Physics Phenomenology as a research line at the IFSC-USP. (AU)

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Scientific publications (33)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
BOITO, D.; DEDONDER, J. -P.; EL-BENNICH, B.; ESCRIBANO, R.; KAMINSKI, R.; LESNIAK, L.; LOISEAU, B.. Parametrizations of three-body hadronic B- and D-decay amplitudes in terms of analytic and unitary meson-meson form factors. Physical Review D, v. 96, n. 11, . (16/03154-7, 15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; GOLTERMAN, MAARTEN; MALTMAN, KIM; PERIS, SANTIAGO. Evidence against naive truncations of the OPE from e(+) e(-) -> hadrons below charm. Physical Review D, v. 100, n. 7, . (15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; GOLTERMAN, MAARTEN; MALTMAN, KIM; PERIS, SANTIAGO; RODRIGUES, V, MARCUS; SCHAAF, WILDER. Strong coupling from an improved tau vector isovector spectral function. Physical Review D, v. 103, n. 3, . (15/20689-9, 19/16957-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; MASJUAN, PERE; OLIANI, FABIO. Higher-order QCD corrections to hadronic tau decays from Pade approximants. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 8, . (16/01341-4, 15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; LONDON, CRISTIANE Y.; MASJUAN, PERE. Higher-order QCD corrections to H -> b(b)over-bar from rational approximants. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 1, . (15/20689-9, 18/21050-0, 20/15532-1)
BOITO, DIOGO; JAMIN, MATTHIAS; MIRAVITLLAS, RAMON. Scheme Variations of the QCD Coupling and Hadronic tau Decays. Physical Review Letters, v. 117, n. 15, . (15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; MATEU, VICENT; RODRIGUES, MARCUS V.. Small-momentum expansion of heavy-quark correlators in the large-beta(0) limit and alpha(s) extractions. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 8, . (15/20689-9, 18/14967-4, 19/16957-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; MATEU, VICENT. Precise determination of alpha(s) from relativistic quarkonium sum rules. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 3, p. 35-pg., . (18/14967-4, 15/20689-9)
D. BOITO; L. N. S. DE ANDRADE; G. DE SOUSA; R. GAMA; C. Y. M. LONDON. On Maxwell’s electrodynamics in two spatial dimensions. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, v. 42, . (15/20689-9)
BHARUCHA, AOIFE; BOITO, DIOGO; MEAUX, CEDRIC. Disentangling QCD and new physics in D -> pi l(+)l(-). Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 4, . (15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; GOLTERMAN, MAARTEN; MALTMAN, KIM; PERIS, SANTIAGO. The status of the strong coupling from tau decays in 2016. NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS PROCEEDINGS, v. 287, p. 4-pg., . (15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; MASJUAN, PERE; OLIANI, FABIO. Higher-order QCD corrections to hadronic tau decays from Pade approximants. NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS PROCEEDINGS, v. 309, p. 6-pg., . (15/20689-9, 16/01341-4)
BOITO, DIOGO; CAPRINI, IRINEL. Towards tests of quark-hadron duality with functional analysis and spectral function data. Physical Review D, v. 95, n. 7, . (15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; GOLTERMAN, MAARTEN; MALTMAN, KIM; PERIS, SANTIAGO. Strong coupling from hadronic tau decays: A critical appraisal. Physical Review D, v. 95, n. 3, . (15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; OLIANI, FABIO. Renormalons in integrated spectral function moments and alpha(s) extractions. Physical Review D, v. 101, n. 7, . (15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; CAPRINI, IRINEL; GOLTERMAN, MAARTEN; MALTMAN, KIM; PERIS, SANTIAGO. Hyperasymptotics and quark-hadron duality violations in QCD. Physical Review D, v. 97, n. 5, . (15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; MATEU, VICENT. Precise determination of alpha(s) from relativistic quarkonium sum rules. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 3, . (18/14967-4, 15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; GOLTERMAN, MAARTEN; KESHAVARZI, ALEXANDER; MALTMAN, KIM; NOMURA, DAISUKE; PERIS, SANTIAGO; TEUBNER, THOMAS. Strong coupling from e(+)e(-) -> hadrons below charm. Physical Review D, v. 98, n. 7, . (15/20689-9)
BOITO, D.; DAS NEVES, G.; PICLUM, J.. H -> gamma gamma to all orders in alpha(s) in the large-beta(0) limit of QCD. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 106, n. 9, p. 10-pg., . (15/20689-9, 18/12305-4, 19/17046-0, 21/06756-6)
PERIS, SANTIAGO; BOITO, DIOGO; GOLTERMAN, MAARTEN; MALTMAN, KIM. The case for duality violations in the analysis of hadronic tau decays. MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, v. 31, n. 30, . (15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; GOLTERMAN, MAARTEN; MALTMAN, KIM; PERIS, SANTIAGO. alpha s analyses from hadronic tau decays with OPAL and ALEPH data. MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, v. 31, n. 26, . (15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; GOLTERMAN, MAARTEN; MALTMAN, KIM; PERIS, SANTIAGO; IOP. Hadronic tau decays and the strong coupling. WAKE CONFERENCE 2021, v. 912, p. 12-pg., . (15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; GOLTERMAN, MAARTEN; MALTMAN, KIM; PERIS, SANTIAGO; RODRIGUES, MARCUS, V; SCHAAF, WILDER. Strong coupling from an improved tau vector isovector spectral function. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 103, n. 3, p. 24-pg., . (15/20689-9, 19/16957-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; CAPRINI, IRINEL; GOLTERMAN, MAARTEN; MALTMAN, KIM; PERIS, SANTIAGO. Hyperasymptotics and quark-hadron duality violations in QCD. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 97, n. 5, p. 21-pg., . (15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; MASJUAN, PERE; OLIANI, FABIO. Higher-order QCD corrections to hadronic tau decays from Pade approximants. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 8, p. 41-pg., . (15/20689-9, 16/01341-4)
BOITO, D.; DEDONDER, J. -P.; EL-BENNICH, B.; ESCRIBANO, R.; KAMINSKI, R.; LESNIAK, L.; LOISEAU, B.. Parametrizations of three-body hadronic B- and D-decay amplitudes in terms of analytic and unitary meson-meson form factors. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 96, n. 11, p. 19-pg., . (16/03154-7, 15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; MATEU, VICENT. Precise alpha(s) determination from charmonium sum rules. Physics Letters B, v. 806, p. 5-pg., . (15/20689-9, 18/14967-4)
BOITO, DIOGO; GOLTERMAN, MAARTEN; MALTMAN, KIM; PERIS, SANTIAGO. Strong coupling from hadronic tau decays: A critical appraisal. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 95, n. 3, p. 19-pg., . (15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; CAPRINI, IRINEL. Towards tests of quark-hadron duality with functional analysis and spectral function data. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 95, n. 7, p. 14-pg., . (15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; JAMIN, MATTHIAS; MIRAVITLLAS, RAMON. Scheme variations of the QCD coupling and tau decays. NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS PROCEEDINGS, v. 287, p. 4-pg., . (15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; GOLTERMAN, MAARTEN; MALTMAN, KIM; PERIS, SANTIAGO. Evidence against naive truncations of the OPE from e(+) e(-) -> hadrons below charm. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 100, n. 7, p. 15-pg., . (15/20689-9)
BOITO, DIOGO; OLIANI, FABIO. Renormalons in integrated spectral function moments and alpha(s) extractions. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 101, n. 7, p. 16-pg., . (15/20689-9)

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