Research Grants 15/50438-8 - Física teórica, Fenomenologia (física de partículas) - BV FAPESP
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Observing the minibang through its fluctuation spectrum


Cooperation is in the field of theoretical physics of the nucleus and elementary particles. Collisions of atomic nuclei at ultra-high energy performed at the LHC aclerator at CERN, allow to produce in the laboratory the highest temperatures ever achieved, equalling those of the Universe a microsecond after the Big Bang. Recent discoveries have evidenced profound anologies between the physics of these collisions and that of the Big Bang. These discoveries have triggered new analyses of the experimental data, many still in progress. We propose to explore this new branch of heavy ion physics bringing together the theoretical and numerical expertise of the brazilian team and the expertise of the french team in the field of phenomenology. (AU)

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Scientific publications (8)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
GIACALONE, GIULIANO; NORONHA-HOSTLER, JACQUELYN; LUZUM, MATTHEW; OLLITRAULT, JEAN-YVES. Hydrodynamic predictions for 5.44 TeV Xe+Xe collisions. Physical Review C, v. 97, n. 3, . (16/24029-6, 15/50438-8, 17/05685-2)
GIACALONE, GIULIANO; NORONHA-HOSTLER, JACQUELYN; LUZUM, MATTHEW; OLLITRAULT, JEAN-YVES. Hydrodynamic predictions for 5.44 TeV Xe+Xe collisions. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, v. 97, n. 3, p. 8-pg., . (16/24029-6, 15/50438-8, 17/05685-2)
DI FRANCESCO, PHILIPPE; GUILBAUD, MAXIME; LUZUM, MATTHEW; OLLITRAULT, JEAN-YVES. Systematic procedure for analyzing cumulants at any order. Physical Review C, v. 95, n. 4, . (15/50438-8)
GARDIM, FERNANDO G.; GRASSI, FREDERIQUE; ISHIDA, PEDRO; LUZUM, MATTHEW; MAGALHAES, PABLO S.; NORONHA-HOSTLER, JACQUELYN. Sensitivity of observables to coarse-graining size in heavy-ion collisions. Physical Review C, v. 97, n. 6, . (15/00011-8, 16/24029-6, 15/50438-8, 17/05685-2, 16/03274-2)
GIACALONE, GIULIANO; NORONHA-HOSTLER, JACQUELYN; LUZUM, MATTHEW; OLLITRAULT, JEAN-YVES. Confronting hydrodynamic predictions with Xe-Xe data. Nuclear Physics A, v. 982, p. 371-374, . (16/24029-6, 15/50438-8, 17/05685-2)
GARDIM, FERNANDO G.; GRASSI, FREDERIQUE; ISHIDA, PEDRO; LUZUM, MATTHEW; MAGALHAES, PABLO S.; NORONHA-HOSTLER, JACQUELYN. Probing the transverse size of initial inhomogeneities with flow observables. Nuclear Physics A, v. 982, p. 419-422, . (15/00011-8, 16/03274-2, 18/00407-7, 17/05685-2, 15/50438-8, 16/24029-6)
GARDIM, FERNANDO G.; GRASSI, FREDERIQUE; ISHIDA, PEDRO; LUZUM, MATTHEW; MAGALHAES, PABLO S.; NORONHA-HOSTLER, JACQUELYN. Sensitivity of observables to coarse-graining size in heavy-ion collisions. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, v. 97, n. 6, p. 10-pg., . (16/03274-2, 16/24029-6, 15/50438-8, 15/00011-8, 17/05685-2)
DI FRANCESCO, PHILIPPE; GUILBAUD, MAXIME; LUZUM, MATTHEW; OLLITRAULT, JEAN-YVES. Systematic procedure for analyzing cumulants at any order. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, v. 95, n. 4, p. 10-pg., . (15/50438-8)

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