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Logistics network design: practical aspects to tactical and strategic planning


The planning of logistics networks involves network structuring decisions, such as locating and defining capacity of distribution and/or collection centers, and functional decisions associated with material flows, inventory management, transport modes, among others. In general, planning is done in a hierarchical way, without considering the impacts of strategic planning on tactical-operational performance. One trend in the literature is the proposition of mathematical programming models to integrate these decisions. The proposition of models implies in the study and understanding of the characteristics of the practical context in which the problems are inserted. In this sense, this project focus the logistics network problem of drug distribution, and the reverse logistic networks for waste tires and for computers refurbished. The objective is to propose models to integrate the strategic and tactical decisions, considering the specificities of each context. The evaluation of the feasibility and models application is intended to systematize the theoretical understanding of the results obtained and the practical relevance of the integration of the problems. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
JALAL, AURA M.; TOSO, ELI A. V.; TAUTENHAIN, CAMILA P. S.; NASCIMENTO, MARIA C. V.. An integrated location-transportation problem under value-added tax issues in pharmaceutical distribution planning. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, v. 206, p. 17-pg., . (13/07375-0, 17/07236-0, 14/27334-9, 15/21660-4)
JALAL, AURA; TOSO, ELI ANGELA VITOR; MORABITO, REINALDO. A location-transportation problem under demand uncertainty for a pharmaceutical network in Brazil. Computers & Chemical Engineering, v. 174, p. 15-pg., . (17/07236-0, 18/09563-1, 16/01860-1)
JALAL, AURA MARIA; TOSO, ELI ANGELA VITOR; MORABITO, REINALDO. Integrated approaches for logistics network planning: a systematic literature review. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, . (17/07236-0, 18/09563-1, 16/01860-1)

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