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Surge protector device for electrical power distribution systems in aircraft

Grant number: 16/21242-0
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Duration: August 01, 2017 - April 30, 2018
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Aerospace Engineering - Aerospace Systems
Principal Investigator:Henrique Lemos de Faria
Grantee:Henrique Lemos de Faria
Host Company:Lace Serviços de Engenharia e Representação Ltda
City: São José dos Campos
Pesquisadores principais:
Arthur Roza Augusto ; Rodrigo Basile Junqueira ; Saint Clair Henrique Nunes
Associated grant(s):18/02102-9 - Surge suppressor device for aircraft electric distribution system, AP.PIPE


The objective of this project is the development of a surge protector device for electrical power distribution systems in aircraft. The surge protector is a type of electrical device that main function is the protection of electronic circuits connected to electrical conductors that are exposed to lightning incidence. The protection drives current levels and voltage in equipment connections to not exceed a safe limit. Aircraft manufacturers need companies that are skilled in the development of protection components and filtering electromagnetic disturbances. These components must comply with the entire aeronautical requirements and the quality and reliability required for flight safety critical systems. The proposal is to optimize the application of surge suppressors in aeronautical systems through rugged devices able to sufficiently drain the lightning current (ARP54156), and have extended life without presenting a risk of fire or short circuit in case of failure or end of its lifetime. (AU)

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