Research Grants 17/19371-0 - Física de hádrons, Cromodinâmica quântica - BV FAPESP
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Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpeter calculations in Euclidean and Minkowski space in QED and QCD


The goal of the project is to establish collaborations between the nuclear theory groups at Iowa State University (in Ames, IA, USA) and ITA, to perform research in the field of relativistic quantum field theory in Minkowski and Euclidean space formulations. In particular, we plan to investigate the fermion Dyson-Schwinger equation and the Bethe-Salpeter equations for two-fermion bound states in QED and QCD, in rainbow-ladder truncation and beyond. We use the same truncation and the same regularization scheme in both Minkowski and Euclidean space approaches in general covariant gauges. In the strong coupling regime, where chiral symmetry is broken dynamically, we ensure that the truncation and regularization respects the axial-vector Ward identities so as to maintain the Goldstone nature of the pions. Inaddition, we plan to initiate collaborations in ab-initio nuclear structure calculations, studying exotic nuclei such as the chain of hydrogen isotopes. We are in particular interested in the contributions of different components of the nuclear potential on states at the extremes of n/p ratios. (AU)

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Scientific publications (8)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
BURROWS, M.; ELSTER, CH; WEPPNER, S. P.; LAUNEY, K. D.; MARIS, P.; NOGGA, A.; POPA, G.. Ab initio folding potentials for nucleon-nucleus scattering based on no-core shell-model one-body densities. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, v. 99, n. 4, p. 14-pg., . (17/19371-0)
CASTRO, A.; YDREFORS, E.; DE PAULA, W.; FREDERICO, T.; DE ALVARENGA NOGUEIRA, J. H.; MARIS, P.; GUIMARAES, V; GENEZINI, F; LUBIAN, J; ASSUNCAO, M; et al. The Bethe-Salpeter approach to bound states: from Euclidean to Minkowski space. WAKE CONFERENCE 2021, v. 1291, p. 6-pg., . (13/26258-4, 17/05660-0, 14/19094-8, 16/25143-7, 17/19371-0)
VARY, JAMES P.; BASILI, ROBERT; DU, WEIJIE; LOCKNER, MATTHEW; MARIS, PIETER; PAL, SOHAM; SARKER, SHIPLU. Effective operators in two-nucleon systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, v. 98, n. 6, p. 10-pg., . (17/19371-0)
TANG, SHUO; LI, YANG; MARIS, PIETER; VARY, JAMES P.. B-c mesons and their properties on the light front. Physical Review D, v. 98, n. 11, . (17/19371-0)
VARY, JAMES P.; BASILI, ROBERT; DU, WEIJIE; LOCKNER, MATTHEW; MARIS, PIETER; PAL, SOHAM; SARKER, SHIPLU. Effective operators in two-nucleon systems. Physical Review C, v. 98, n. 6, . (17/19371-0)
BURROWS, M.; ELSTER, CH; WEPPNER, S. P.; LAUNEY, K. D.; MARIS, P.; NOGGA, A.; POPA, G.. Ab initio folding potentials for nucleon-nucleus scattering based on no-core shell-model one-body densities. Physical Review C, v. 99, n. 4, . (17/19371-0)
TANG, SHUO; LI, YANG; MARIS, PIETER; VARY, JAMES P.. B-c mesons and their properties on the light front. Physical Review D, v. 98, n. 11, p. 8-pg., . (17/19371-0)
MARIS, PIETER; GUIMARAES, V; GENEZINI, F; LUBIAN, J; ASSUNCAO, M; DELGADO, A; TREVISAN, LA. Ab initio calculations of p-shell nuclei up to (NLO)-L-2 in chiral Effective Field Theory. WAKE CONFERENCE 2021, v. 1291, p. 10-pg., . (17/19371-0)

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