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Annual Plan for technical reserve aplication on Institutional research

Grant number: 17/24916-5
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Technical Reserve for Institutional Research Infrastructure
Duration: February 01, 2018 - January 31, 2019
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Medicine
Principal Investigator:Vilma Regina Martins
Grantee:Vilma Regina Martins
Host Institution: A C Camargo Cancer Center. Fundação Antonio Prudente (FAP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil


This is an investment plan for the "Reserva Técnica para Infraestrutura Institucional de Pesquisa" granted by FAPESP. CIPE-A.C. Camargo Cancer Center (Center for International Research) is a building dedicated to scientific research, and houses laboratories, administrative sectors and support teams. The IT infrastructure, consisting of network folders, email, backup, and information systems, is a key resource for CIPE operations. Over the next five years, a huge amount of genome sequence data, proteomes and exomes will be generated by institutional and thematic projects to find molecular changes that may be therapeutic targets in cancer as well as molecular mechanisms associated with tumorigenesis. In addition, projects focused on identification of therapeutic response, prognostic factors and disease recurrence biomarkers are under development and will generate a huge demand for data processing and storage. Also in 2016 it will be implemented a scientific database policy requiring deposit of clinical and molecular database for all students in our graduate program. The Institution proposes the improvement of the data processing equipment implanted last years and execution of services to allow continued growth of our infrastructure. This will allow meeting the projected demands, and implementation of novel software tools permitting proper analysis of data from research projects linked to graduate students and to our medical staff. (AU)

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