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The relationship between hyperthyroidism and protein modifications in the central nervous system associated with Diabetes Mellitus

Grant number: 12/24160-4
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): March 01, 2013
Effective date (End): December 31, 2013
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Physiology - General Physiology
Principal Investigator:Andréa da Silva Torrão
Grantee:Fernanda Prieto de Almeida
Host Institution: Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas (ICB). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil


Several studies have demonstrated the role of glucose as the main nutrient of the brain and showed an increase in their use in processes of learning and memory in brain regions such as the hippocampus, amygdala and prefrontal cortex. Furthermore, these studies have indicated that insulin affects several brain functions including cognition and memory. Recent evidences suggest that Alzheimer's Disease (AD) may be the result of a progressive impairment of the brain's ability to utilize glucose. AD is the most common cause of dementia characterized by cognitive impairment and by the formation of senile plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles resulting from changes in the metabolism of ²-Amyloid peptide and hyperphosphorylation of Tau protein, respectively. These changes seem to be, in part, due to a deficiency in insulin signaling and consequent brain resistance to this hormone, suggesting that the DA has a relationship with diabetes mellitus. In this context, it is known that thyroid hormones (TH) are able to stimulate the expression and activity of glycolytic enzymes and oxidative pathways, and promote glucose uptake by cells. The aim of this project is to analyze the effects of treatment with HT on the expression of proteins related to insulin signaling and markers of degeneration in the brain of diabetic rats. (AU)

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