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Population genetic structure of Rhizoctonia oryzae-sativae from rice in the Paraíba Valley, SP, and adaptive potential of the pathogen to Brachiaria.

Grant number: 13/11944-0
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Master
Effective date (Start): October 01, 2013
Effective date (End): February 28, 2015
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Agronomy - Plant Health
Principal Investigator:Paulo Cezar Ceresini
Grantee:Danilo Augusto dos Santos Pereira
Host Institution: Faculdade de Engenharia (FEIS). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Ilha Solteira. Ilha Solteira , SP, Brazil


Emerging plant pathogens are characterized as newly discovered organisms, of recent evolution and which have increased in incidence. For presenting worldwide distribution in several agroecosystems, high genetic diversity and prevalence of a mixed reproductive mode, a high evolutionary potential is assigned to basidiomycetous fungi of the genus Rhizoctonia. There were recent reports of the emergence of R. solani AG-1 IA causing the blight disease on Brachiaria pastures in Colombia and in the Brazilian Amazon. Host shift due to overlapping crops in areas of rice cultivation (a highly susceptible host to Rhizoctonia diseases) is identified as the main mechanism for the emergence of the blight disease on pastures. In addition to R. solani AG-1 IA, two other pathogens from the sheath blight complex can attack rice: R. circinata and R. oryzae-sativae. In a recent survey conducted in five areas of rice cultivation in the Paraíba Valley, Sao Paulo state, we detected the predominance of R. oryzae-sativae associated with rice. It is not known, however, if local populations of these two other pathogens may come to adapt to Brachiaria and emerge as a new pathogen to this pasture crop. The main objective of our study is to determine the population genetic structure of R. oryzae-sativae from rice in the Paraíba Valley and its adaptive potential to Brachiaria. To characterize the population genetic structure of the pathogen in the region, the isolates of the pathogen will be genotyped using six small sequence repeats (SSR) co-dominant markers. To infer the adaptive potential of the R. oryzae-sativae to Brachiaria, we will determine the effect of three populations of the pathogen and three genotypes of Brachiaria on evolvability components associated with aggressiveness.

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Scientific publications (6)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
LINA MARIA RAMOS-MOLINA; EDISSON CHAVARRO-MESA; DANILO AUGUSTO DOS SANTOS PEREIRA; MARÍA DEL ROSARIO SILVA-HERRERA; PAULO CEZAR CERESINI. Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA infecta arroz e braquiária nos Llanos Colombianos. Pesqui. Agropecu. Trop., v. 46, n. 1, p. 65-71, . (11/23050-8, 11/50150-3, 13/11944-0)
CHAVARRO-MESA, EDISSON; CERESINI, PAULO; PEREIRA, DANILO; VICENTINI, SAMARA; SILVA, TATIANE; RAMOS-MOLINA, LINA; NEGRISOLI, MATHEUS; SCHURT, DANIEL; VIEIRA JUNIOR, JOSE R.. A broad diversity survey of Rhizoctonia species from the Brazilian Amazon reveals the prevalence of R. solani AG-1 IA on signal grass and the new record of AG-1 IF on cowpea and soybeans. PLANT PATHOLOGY, v. 69, n. 3, . (11/50150-3, 11/23050-8, 13/11944-0, 17/03403-0)
VICENTINI, SAMARA NUNES CAMPOS; DE CARVALHO, GISELLE; KRUG, LOANE DANTAS; NUNES, TIAGO CALVES; DA SILVA, ABIMAEL GOMES; MOREIRA, SILVINO INTRA; GONCALVES, LUCAS MATHEUS DE DEUS PAES; SILVA, TATIANE CARLA; CERESINI, PAULO CEZAR. Bioprospecting Fluorescent Pseudomonas from the Brazilian Amazon for the Biocontrol of Signal Grass Foliar Blight. AGRONOMY-BASEL, v. 12, n. 6, p. 15-pg., . (17/03403-0, 11/50150-3, 11/23050-8, 13/11944-0)
DOS SANTOS PEREIRA, DANILO A.; CERESINI, PAULO C.; CASTROAGUDIN, VANINA L.; RAMOS-MOLINA, LINA M.; CHAVARRO-MESA, EDISSON; NEGRISOLI, MATHEUS MEREB; CAMPOS, SAMARA NUNES; PEGOLO, MAURO E. S.; TAKADA, HELIO MINORU. Population Genetic Structure of Rhizoctonia oryzae-sativae from Rice in Latin America and Its Adaptive Potential to Emerge as a Pathogen on Urochloa Pastures. PHYTOPATHOLOGY, v. 107, n. 1, p. 121-131, . (13/11944-0, 14/25904-2, 11/23050-8, 11/50150-3)
MESA, ECLISSON CHAVARRO; CERESINI, PAULO C.; MOLINA, LINA M. RAMOS; PEREIRA, DANILO A. S.; SCHURT, DANIEL A.; VIEIRA, JR., JOSE R.; POLONI, NADIA M.; MCDONALD, BRUCE A.. The Urochloa Foliar Blight and Collar Rot Pathogen Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA Emerged in South America Via a Host Shift from Rice. PHYTOPATHOLOGY, v. 105, n. 11, p. 1475-1486, . (13/11944-0, 11/23050-8, 11/50150-3)
LINA MARIA RAMOS-MOLINA; PAULO CEZAR CERESINI; SAMARA NUNES CAMPOS VICENTINI; DANILO AUGUSTO DOS SANTOS PEREIRA; GRACE INGRID CONCEIÇÃO; MARÍA DEL ROSARIO SILVA-HERRERA; PEDRO CÉSAR DOS SANTOS. Potencial adaptativo de populações de Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA associadas ao arroz e à Urochloa brizantha ao estresse térmico. Summa Phytopathologica, v. 45, n. 3, p. 320-325, . (13/11944-0, 10/15704-5)
Academic Publications
(References retrieved automatically from State of São Paulo Research Institutions)
PEREIRA, Danilo Augusto dos Santos. Estrutura genética de populações de Rhizoctonia oryzae-sativae do arroz em São Paulo, Brasil, e em meta, Colômbia, e potencial adaptativo do patógeno à Urochloa spp. 2015. Master's Dissertation - Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp). Faculdade de Engenharia. Ilha Solteira Ilha Solteira.

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