Scholarship 15/25961-9 - Drogas ilícitas, Transtornos relacionados ao uso de substâncias - BV FAPESP
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Becoming visible: comparing drug policies and its execution in Brazil and United Kingdom

Grant number: 15/25961-9
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research
Start date until: August 10, 2016
End date until: May 09, 2017
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Psychology - Psychological Treatment and Prevention
Principal Investigator:Adriana Marcassa Tucci
Grantee:Adriana Marcassa Tucci
Host Investigator: Alexander William Stevens
Host Institution: Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade (ISS). Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). Campus Baixada Santista. Santos , SP, Brazil
Institution abroad: University of Kent, England  


Drug use is considered an ancient practice, cultural and present in human history, and the social and historical context in which it is inserted interferes with the meaning of its use. The current international drug policy is governed by the United Nations and its main focus are the suppression and control of drug use. Brazil and the United Kingdom are members of this organization and its drug policy following its regulation. However, while in England there has been stabilization of the prevalence of derivatives of cocaine, increased provision of treatment and reduction of offending and harms associated with drug use, in Brazil, the implementation of drug policy has been against the international trend since 2012 with the growth of consumption of crack, with considerable expansion of Therapeutic Communities, which are responsible for more than a half of treatment of drug users. The aim of this study is to compare the drug user perceptions regarding the treatment offered to drug addiction in the UK, more specifically in England, and Brazil. The proposed method is qualitative in nature. From the perception of drug users in the city of Santos (Brazil) and Canterbury (England), the study will seek to understand their perception on the treatment needs for drug addiction and how treatment offered in these different countries has favored care of those needs, in addition to potential barriers and difficulties both in access and in the maintenance of them in such treatment. Brazil's data was collected in a study that had regular research funding, provided by FAPESP and coordinated by the proponent of this proposal. Drug users, with similar profile to those already interviewed in Brazil, will be interviewed in England, favoring the comparison and discussion of the data between the two countries. The data will be analyzed using content analysis, as performed in the study of Brazil. It is believed that this study may contribute to the political decision-making, as well as its execution, and help answer the question 'what works best' in drug addiction area from the point of view of the users who need this treatment. (AU)

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