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Increase of the multi-circuit transmission lines capacity by modifying the bundles geometry

Grant number: 15/26096-0
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
Effective date (Start): June 01, 2017
Effective date (End): January 08, 2021
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Power Systems
Acordo de Cooperação: Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES)
Principal Investigator:Maria Cristina Dias Tavares
Grantee:Jhair Stivel Acosta Sarmiento
Host Institution: Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação (FEEC). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):19/16263-7 - Parallel simulation of electromagnetic transients and secondary arc mitigation in non-conventional multi-circuit multi-voltage transmission lines, BE.EP.DR


This document presents a proposal for a research project that is going to be developed by Jhair Stivel Acosta Sarmiento during his doctorate in Electrical Engineering at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Campinas, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Maria Cristina Dias Tavares. Based on the work done during the master's studies concerning to the expansion of the transmission capacity of single circuit conventional transmission lines, it was conceived the idea of applying the same concept to multiple circuits' transmission lines, including towers with circuits with different voltage levels.The algorithms to increase the natural power of single circuit lines have been successfully tested for single circuit lines and in the present project it will be extended to lines with multiple circuits.The use of lines with multiple circuits and the possibility of enlarging its natural power have several advantages, especially for transmitting larger blocks of energy for different purposes using the same right-of-way (ROW), reducing costs in transmission and minimizing their environmental impact.During the project the multi-circuit transmission lines are going to be characterized, and their transmission capacity will be increased by modifying the position of the conductors in the bundles, using heuristic algorithms and then testing other optimization techniques, such as neural networks. The focus of the research will be the increase the natural power lines as a whole, trying to get typical towers to each set of circuits of different voltages.The selected transmission lines will be inserted in meshed transmission system to study their behavior under steady state operation mode and also for typical electromagnetic transients switching. From the obtained results it is intended to identify the operating ranges for those lines. These type of towers are not common in the Brazilian electrical system, but they are used in other countries. However, usually those lines have conventional bundle geometry, with bundles with typical spacing. The contribution to this field will consist in the generation of different voltage level multi-circuit towers with high transmission capacity.All algorithms will be developed in Matlab, while transient studies will initially be performed with Matlab and then with PSCAD. Eventually, the analyzes related to electromagnetism will be held in COMSOL.Key words: 1. SIL. 2. HSIL 3. Electromagnetic fields. 4. Optimization. 5. Multi-circuit transmission lines. (AU)

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Scientific publications (9)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
CHAVES, J. S.; TAVARES, M. C.; ACOSTA, J. S.; MESTAS, P.. Rural electrification method based on floating wires induced voltage: Technical and economical analysis. Electric Power Systems Research, v. 223, p. 7-pg., . (15/26096-0, 22/01896-7)
ACOSTA, JHAIR S.; TAVARES, MARIA C.. Optimal selection and positioning of conductors in multi-circuit overhead transmission lines using evolutionary computing. Electric Power Systems Research, v. 180, . (17/20010-1, 15/26096-0)
CHAVES, J. S.; ACOSTA, J. S.; TAVARES, M. C.. Optimal Transmission Line Coupling Generation System Design for Rural Electrification. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, v. 36, n. 4, p. 1964-1973, . (15/26096-0, 17/20010-1)
ACOSTA, JHAIR S.; LOPEZ, JUAN CAMILO; RIDER, MARCOS J.. Optimal Multi-Scenario, Multi-Objective Allocation of Fault Indicators in Electrical Distribution Systems Using a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID, v. 10, n. 4, p. 4508-4519, . (15/12564-1, 15/26096-0)
ACOSTA, J. S.; TAVARES, M. C.; IEEE. Enhancement of overhead transmission line capacity through evolutionary computing. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 IEEE PES TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION - LATIN AMERICA (T&D-LA), v. N/A, p. 5-pg., . (15/05626-0, 15/26096-0)
PESSOA, FELIPE P.; ACOSTA, JHAIR S.; TAVARES, MARIA C.. Parameter estimation of DC black-Box arc models using genetic algorithms. Electric Power Systems Research, v. 198, . (15/26096-0)
ACOSTA, JHAIR S.; TAVARES, MARIA C.. Methodology for optimizing the capacity and costs of overhead transmission lines by modifying their bundle geometry. Electric Power Systems Research, v. 163, n. B, SI, p. 668-677, . (15/05626-0, 15/26096-0)
ACOSTA, JHAIR S.; TAVARES, MARIA C.. Methodology for optimizing the capacity and costs of overhead transmission lines by modifying their bundle geometry. Electric Power Systems Research, v. 163, p. 10-pg., . (15/05626-0, 15/26096-0)
ACOSTA, JHAIR S.; TAVARES, MARIA CRISTINA; GOLE, ANIRUDDHA M.. Neutral Reactor Structures for Improved Single Phase Auto Reclosing in Multi-Circuit Multi-Voltage Transmission Lines. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, v. 37, n. 1, p. 298-307, . (15/26096-0, 17/20010-1, 19/16263-7)
Academic Publications
(References retrieved automatically from State of São Paulo Research Institutions)
SARMIENTO, Jhair Stivel Acosta. Otimização de linhas de transmissão aéreas com vários circuitos em diferentes níveis de tensão na mesma torre. 2021. Doctoral Thesis - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação Campinas, SP.

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