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Searching for orbits and station keep maneuvers applied to space missions around the equilibrium points of the Earth-moon system

Grant number: 18/06966-8
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Doctorate
Effective date (Start): September 01, 2018
Effective date (End): August 31, 2019
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Aerospace Engineering - Flight Dynamics
Principal Investigator:Antônio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado
Grantee:Leonardo Barbosa Torres dos Santos
Supervisor: Francesco Topputo
Host Institution: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (Brasil). São José dos Campos , SP, Brazil
Research place: Politecnico di Milano, Italy  
Associated to the scholarship:16/18418-0 - Search for orbits around the Lagrangian points of a triple asteroid and orbital transfers, BP.DR


The determination of space trajectories around an equilibrium points is a very challenging task, because, in addition to the natural instability of these points, in particular the collinear ones, there are still disturbances due to other celestial bodies and non-gravitational forces that affect the trajectory of a spacecraft from the nominal one. It is proposed, in this study, the search for Halos and/or Lissajous orbits around the L1 and/or L2 equilibrium point in the Earth-Moon system, taking into account several perturbations, among them the solar radiation pressure and the gravitational effects of some bodies of the Solar System. Since Halo orbits are generally unstable, it will be necessary to make use of orbital maneuvers to maintain the orbit within a region around the reference path (nominal orbit). The idea is to find the locations and at times when it is necessary to perform the maneuvers, as well as the magnitude and direction of the thrusts to be applied, to keep the spacecraft in a certain region. In this case, the times to perform the maneuver is a strategic parameter to define the control to be applied to the spacecraft, besides the parameters related to thethrust, the magnitude and direction of the propulsive system. It is also intended to make use of the integrals of the accelerations of the bodies that disturb the movement of the spacecraft to measure the effects of each disturbing body, to have a better understanding of the system.This project will give significant contributions to the LUMIO mission, which will be carried out by ESA, It has a good potential to be used in Brazilian space missions, like ASTER, a Brazilian deep space mission that aims to explore an asteroid triple system (2001SN263). (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SANTOS, L. B. T.; SOUSA-SILVA, P. A.; TERRA, M. O.; MANI, KARTHIK V.; DE ALMEIDA, A. K., JR.; SANCHEZ, D. M.; PRADO, A. F. B. A.. Optimal transfers from Moon to L-2 halo orbit of the Earth-Moon system. Advances in Space Research, v. 70, n. 11, p. 11-pg., . (16/24561-0, 18/07377-6, 18/06966-8, 16/24970-7, 16/18418-0)
SANTOS, L. B. T.; SOUSA-SILVA, P. A.; SANCHEZ, D. M.; PRADO, A. F. B. A.; SINGLA, P; WEISMAN, RM; MARCHAND, BG; JONES, BA. SEARCHING FOR ORBITS AROUND EQUILIBRIUM POINTS IN A BINARY ASTEROID SYSTEM MODELED AS A MASS DIPOLE. ASTRODYNAMICS 2018, PTS I-IV, v. 167, p. 18-pg., . (18/00059-9, 13/07174-4, 18/06966-8, 14/22295-5, 16/18418-0, 16/14665-2, 16/24561-0)

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