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Comparison of WAG-CO2 injection with other injection alternatives for a light-oil fractured carbonate reservoir

Grant number: 20/13938-0
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Master
Effective date (Start): November 01, 2020
Effective date (End): October 31, 2022
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
Acordo de Cooperação: Equinor (former Statoil)
Principal Investigator:Denis José Schiozer
Grantee:Josias Pereira de Oliveira Junior
Host Institution: Centro de Estudos de Energia e Petróleo (CEPETRO). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Host Company:Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica (FEM)
Associated research grant:17/15736-3 - Engineering Research Centre in Reservoir and Production Management, AP.PCPE


Water alternating gas (WAG) injection is an enhanced recovery method that is being applied insome Brazilian offshore oil fields, especially in the Pre-Salt region due to the high concentrationof gas (rich in CO2) dissolved in the oil produced. In face of this, such a method presentseffective technical-environmental policies by providing the reduction of gas flaring. In additionto being an alternative that allows the development of flexible strategies for the produced gasmanagement, it also the increases residual oil recovery, due to the combination of the best gasdisplacement and water swept efficiencies. The injection of water and gas (from recycling, inour case study) correspond to secondary oil recovery methods and are commonly used in nonflowing wells and to increase the recovery factor. Therefore, we will analyze the injectiontechniques of WAG-CO2 and compare with other alternative like injection of gas and water inseparate wells, in order to compare them through different conditions and scenarios. For this,computational tools such as the compositional reservoir simulator GEM from CMG (ComputerModeling Group) will be used in order to perform the numerous simulations. The UNISIM-IID-CO simulation model, which has the characteristic of a carbonate reservoir, similar to the PreSalt, will be used for the elaboration of the research. (AU)

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