Scholarship 22/01385-2 - Arqueologia romana, Exército - BV FAPESP
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The Roman army and the amphorae of Vetera I and Colonia Ulpia Traiana: new studies on the historical and archaeological data

Grant number: 22/01385-2
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Master's degree
Start date until: June 01, 2022
End date until: November 30, 2022
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Archeology - Historical Archaeology
Principal Investigator:Vagner Carvalheiro Porto
Grantee:Matheus Morais Cruz
Supervisor: Norbert Hanel
Host Institution: Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia (MAE). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Institution abroad: University of Cologne (UoC), Germany  
Associated to the scholarship:20/14025-9 - The amphorae of Vetera I: contacts, frontiers and Roman military supply in the limes germanicus, BP.MS


This project, as part of a master program research, proposes a study about the Roman amphorae intrinsically related to the military supply system that provided the necessary resources to the Roman troops stationed in the Vetera I legionary camp and the Cugernii settlement (later Colonia Ulpia Traiana), to be accomplished in the Archäologisches Institut - Philosophische Fakultät (Institute of Archaeology - Faculty of Arts and Humanities) of the University of Cologne/Köln in Germany. The main objective of this specific project is to collect the archaeological data on the Roman amphorae for the revision of the main theoretical currents relating to the organization and administrative structure of the Roman military supply system and its effects on the daily lives of the Roman and Germanic peoples that inhabited these sites, improving the theoretical and methodological contribution of our master dissertation. We also intend to collect data necessary for the development of the digital game that will work as a complementary product for the scientific divulgation of the research results. (AU)

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