Scholarship 22/07252-4 - Aprendizagem, Estabilidade - BV FAPESP
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Application of methods of event analysis for power systems with high penetration of inverter-based generation

Grant number: 22/07252-4
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Start date until: August 01, 2022
End date until: January 31, 2023
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Power Systems
Principal Investigator:Daniel Dotta
Grantee:Álvaro Tona Ribas Cruz
Host Institution: Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação (FEEC). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:18/20104-9 - Wide-area monitoring, dynamic security analysis and control of modern power system networks, AP.TEM


In recent years, the electric power industry has undergone several changes in its infrastructure, and technological development, and the pressure for solutions that are less harmful to the environment has increased the use of renewable sources, such as wind and photovoltaics. The intermittent characteristic of this type of generation increases the uncertainty at the operating points and the complexity from the point of view of modeling the new devices. In this context, it the importance of developing analysis methods capable of identifying stability problems in SEE with high penetration of intermittent generation. Additionally, the blackouts that occurred worldwide, in the mid-2000s (ANDERSSON et al., 2005), increased the relevance of studies related to the stability of SEE. Among the phenomena that can lead the system to instability, the damping of electromechanical oscillations is one of the problems to be faced. Oscillatory phenomena, characteristic of SEE, when poorly damped, can limit power transfer between areas of the electrical system, or, in more severe cases, cause blackouts. The influence of these oscillations in the SEE is analyzed, mainly, in the study of Stability to Small Disturbances (EPP) or Small-Signal Stability. Until recently, the damping of electromechanical oscillations was performed by local controllers distributed in the system. With the development of synchrophasor technology, new control strategies, known as WADC (Wide Area Damping Controllers), were developed. Control strategies using synchrophasors have been explored in the literature (CHOW et al., 2000; DOTTA et al., 2009) and have shown to be promising. A practical application of this technology has been tested in the wNAPS system (western North American Power System) and the first results have shown an improvement in the dynamic response of the system to disturbances (TRUDNOWSKI et al., 2013; TRUDNOWSKI et al., 2017). Despite advances in WADC technologies, the vast majority of SEEs still rely exclusively on decentralized control. Thus, this work seeks to study machine learning methods for stability analysis capable of identifying problems of frequency stability and oscillations in systems with high penetration of wind generation. New battery-powered devices will be included in the system and their ability to improve dynamic performance will also be evaluated.(AU)

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