Scholarship 22/11498-9 - Desenvolvimento sustentável, Objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável - BV FAPESP
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Analysis of photovoltaic energy generation applied to hospitals of the state of São Paulo

Grant number: 22/11498-9
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Start date until: October 01, 2022
End date until: September 30, 2025
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Electrical Engineering
Principal Investigator:Luiz Carlos Pereira da Silva
Grantee:Ana Luisa Holthausen de Carvalho
Host Institution: Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação (FEEC). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:21/11380-5 - CPTEn - São Paulo Center for the Study of Energy Transition, AP.CCD


The state of São Paulo, like all regions of Brazil, is currently facing an energy crisis made up of several aspects, such as environmental, economic, and social issues, which enhances the need for an energy transition; so that it is possible to meet energy demands, in cases like of periods of water droughts, in which hydroelectric plants operate in unfavorable conditions. It is worth noting that hydroelectric plants are responsible for about 65% of São Paulo production, which shows a high dependence on this type of generation. Photovoltaic Solar Energy has a good potential for use in Brazil due to the high solar irradiance and the predominance of sunny periods throughout the year, in addition to the practicality of being installed on the roofs of existing buildings, over water reservoirs in floating systems, parking lots and unoccupied land, thus taking advantage of different types of space. Therefore, Photovoltaic Energy becomes an attractive form of alternative generation for the region of São Paulo, thus encouraging the production of renewable and sustainable energy, which directly impacts two of the Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy). ) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). State hospitals have been playing an important role in the pandemic scenario due to COVID-19, meeting the public health needs of the São Paulo region. These are consumer units that use electricity for various hospital equipment, air conditioning, internal and external lighting, and refrigeration, among others. Thus, in this Scientific Initiation work, this public typology is chosen as the focus of study to enable the establishment of alternative energy generation, expanding the energy diversity of the state. From this, the project aims the study and analysis of the application of Photovoltaic Energy connected to the grid in the Hospitals of the State of São Paulo. For this, the intern has to identify public buildings under the state and then, after obtaining the energy-related spending of the Hospitals, identify the energy consumption profile so that the number of photovoltaic modules to meet the required consumption can be estimated; next, the intern should study the optimal points for possibly implementing photovoltaic generation systems (roofs, parking lots, other spaces) considering issues of energy efficiency losses due to evolved factors; run generation simulations with the help of the software provided by the Center, HelioScope; and finally, analyze the results found. This study aims to assist in the planning of possible future implementations of Photovoltaic Energy in State Hospitals, contributing to the expansion of renewable and clean energy generation in São Paulo, promoting actions that align with the Sustainable Development Goals, and thus encouraging the use of such technologies. (AU)

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