D-branes and q-deformed 2D SUSY in Pohlmeyer-Reduced Superstring Sigma Models.
Grant number: | 23/00015-0 |
Support Opportunities: | Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Doctorate (Direct) |
Effective date (Start): | March 01, 2023 |
Effective date (End): | February 29, 2024 |
Field of knowledge: | Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Elementary Particle Physics and Fields |
Principal Investigator: | Nathan Jacob Berkovits |
Grantee: | Cassiano Antonio Daniel |
Supervisor: | Matthias Gaberdiel |
Host Institution: | Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de São Paulo. São Paulo , SP, Brazil |
Research place: | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland |
Associated to the scholarship: | 22/14599-0 - Scattering Amplitudes in AdS5 × S5, BP.DD |
Abstract One important step for understanding the dualities relating the superstring in d + 1-dimensional Anti-de Sitter spacetimes and d-dimensional conformal field theories is theconstruction of calculable worldsheet theories in backgrounds with the presence of RamondRamond fields. In the particular case of pure NS-NS flux, a detailed understanding of theduality relating the tensionless limit of the Type IIB superstring in AdS3 × S3 × T4 withthe large N limit of the free symmetric product orbifold SymN(T4) has been accomplishedto great extent. Ideally, one would like to have a similar computational control for thetensionless Type IIB superstring in AdS5 × S5, which is dual to four-dimensional freeN = 4 super-Yang-Mills. In contrast to the AdS3 spacetime, the AdS5 × S5 background issupported by Ramond-Ramond flux, which renders its description much more challengingon the computational side. The purpose of this research project is to shed some lightin these difficulties by studying the simpler case of the superstring in AdS3 × S3 withRamond-Ramond fiux through its super-coset construction. The gained insights, togetherwith the intuition established from the pure NS-NS case, might be naturally generalizableto the super-coset descriptions of AdS5 × S5. (AU) | |
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