Scholarship 23/01499-0 - Bioeconomia, Cadeia de valor - BV FAPESP
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Value chains based on Amazonian sociobiodiversity: new arrangements for the social welfare and maintenance of ecosystem services

Grant number: 23/01499-0
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
Start date until: April 01, 2023
End date until: February 28, 2027
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Sociology - Other specific Sociologies
Principal Investigator:Celia Regina Tomiko Futemma
Grantee:Guilherme Pires de Campos Godoy Valvasori
Host Institution: Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas Ambientais (NEPAM). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:21/10805-2 - LINKAGES: local and Indigenous knowledge for Amazonian grounded (bio)economy, AP.TEM
Associated scholarship(s):24/12738-9 - Agroforestry systems in Tomé-Açu (PA): Expansion, adoption and socio-environmental contributions., BE.EP.DR


Bioeconomy proposes a path to sustainable development based on valuing biodiversity and local knowledge. In this sense, the potential of the Amazon stands out, considering the variety of socio-biodiversity products and the protagonism of local communities. However, the development of value chains based on socio-biodiversity products presents challenges, and does not always guarantee the protection of ecosystems and the well-being of local populations. Aware of this situation, some companies and cooperatives have proposed innovations in the organization of their productive chains associated with socio-biodiversity products. In general, these innovations concern the engagement of these organizations with local producers in overcoming structural challenges, as well as the adoption of mechanisms for Payments for Socialenvironmental Services (PSSAs). The present research proposes to analyze these new arrangements based on the experience of collaboration networks involving companies, the Cooperativa Agrícola Mista de Tomé-Açu (CAMTA) and its cooperative members and several independent suppliers - small and medium-sized farmers. The project aims to understand how the inclusion of producers in socio-biodiversity value chains influences the decisions taken at the property level, and to assess their ability to promote more sustainable landscapes as well as the improvement of socioeconomic indicators. This work is part of the project "LINKAGES - Local and Indigenous Knowledge for Amazonian Grounded (Bio)Economy", linked to the International Biobased Program FAPESP-NWO. (AU)

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