Scholarship 23/05177-8 - Análise de filmes, Corpo - BV FAPESP
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The critical condition of the body in recent Brazilian audiovisual: social figures and analysis parameters

Grant number: 23/05177-8
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Post-doctor
Start date until: September 15, 2023
End date until: September 14, 2024
Field of knowledge:Linguistics, Literature and Arts - Arts - Cinema
Principal Investigator:Alfredo Luiz Paes de Oliveira Suppia
Grantee:Edson Pereira da Costa Júnior
Supervisor: Gustavo P. Furtado
Host Institution: Instituto de Artes (IA). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Institution abroad: Duke University, United States  
Associated to the scholarship:21/02448-5 - The critical condition of the body in recent Brazilian audiovisual: social figures and parameters of analysis, BP.PD


This project presents the expected contributions from the research internship at Duke University to the postdoctoral research I am conducting at the Unicamp Arts Institute (FAPESP 21/02448-5). The research proposes to elaborate parameters for the analysis of the interface between body and social experience in independent Brazilian audiovisual (2014-2022). The interest lies in works in which subjects subalternized by markers of class and race, occasionally gender, experience, through their corporeality, mechanisms of power resulting from state terrorisms and neoliberal policies. More specifically, fiction and documentary films arranged in three thematic axes: precarization of workers; Afrodiasporic traumas and critical fabulation; and conflicts between social movements and forces of repression. Based on each group, I discuss how formal experimentations on the body represent the subjections and resistances to adverse socio-historical conjunctures. Equally, it is important to analyze how the works summon a critical revision of categories of modern thought on Brazilian cinema from epistemes and cosmogonies of the represented subjects. As part of the post-doctoral research, the internship at Duke University aims to: a) deepen theoretical reflection on consolidated academic fields in the United States, such as performance, race (notably, Black aesthetics) and decolonial studies; b) articulate the reflection on Brazilian cinema with conceptual proposals addressed to other Black filmographies in the Americas; c) contribute to the internationalization of the research, through publications and participation in scientific conferences abroad. (AU)

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