Scholarship 23/01395-0 - Metamateriais, Estruturas inteligentes - BV FAPESP
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Vibration and noise control via smart resonant metamaterials

Grant number: 23/01395-0
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
Start date until: October 01, 2023
End date until: October 05, 2025
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - Mechanics of Solids
Principal Investigator:Leopoldo Pisanelli Rodrigues de Oliveira
Grantee:Kayc Wayhs Lopes
Host Institution: Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:18/15894-0 - Periodic structure design and optimization for enhanced vibroacoustic performance: ENVIBRO, AP.TEM


Periodic structures have been widely used in different engineering applications due to their capacity of vibration attenuation in different frequency bands. Acoustic metamaterials are structures built using such repetitive assemblies of identical elements to explore either Bragg-scattering or internal resonance to control mechanical waves. The design of the metamaterial is done to attenuate certain frequency bands in which the waves do not propagate, which are commonly called bandgaps. In the case of a linear time-invariant system, properties such as width and depth of the bandgaps are constant and may lose performance if the disturbance or environment properties change. To avoid this issue, smart structures can be used to change the dynamical behavior of the structure and obtain a change in the frequency band to be attenuated. In addition, intelligent materials combined with tunable circuits allow one to reconfigure a mechanically periodic system so that it behaves as a reconfigurable aperiodic metamaterial. Based on this, this project aims to enhance the vibro-acoustic performance of metastructures with the inclusion of nonlinear resonators with embedded shape memory alloys to change the properties of the resonators and improve the obtained bandgap. To achieve this goal, it will be developed in the project the modeling, simulation, and experimental validation of nonlinear metastrucutres with embedded smart materials, from unit-cell to full-system level. (AU)

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