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Governance of artificial intelligence algorithms: AI ethical-technical design

Grant number: 23/09121-7
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
Effective date (Start): November 01, 2023
Effective date (End): October 31, 2024
Field of knowledge:Applied Social Sciences - Law
Principal Investigator:Nuno Manuel Morgadinho dos Santos Coelho
Grantee:Paola Cantarini Guerra
Host Institution: Faculdade de Direito de Ribeirão Preto (FDRP). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Ribeirão Preto , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:13/07375-0 - CeMEAI - Center for Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry, AP.CEPID


This research project has a holistic, inclusive, democratic andtrans/interdisciplinary approach involving the areas of Technological Innovation, Mathematics, Philosophy, Sociology and Law, even postulating a necessary relationship between such disciplines, since in the origin of AI, with Cybernetics, there was such recognition of the need for a holistic approach, being a trans-classical discipline. The proposal translates, in short, into the application of the results of this research, in the form of a "product", for AI applications in the form of a "Regulatory Sandbox", applying in practice all the epistemological and methodological construction proposed here. Subsequently, we aim to build a kind of digital platform, an open data platform for the involvement of citizens, helping the Human/Fundamental Rights Protection Bodies, in order to broaden the democratic debate, the perspective of active citizenship and awareness, because this way we would contribute to the approach called "co-approach", essential to talk about inclusion, democracy, equanimity and algorithmic justice.This is the analysis, development and application of a framework that will involve, also, the respect for the multiple dimensionality of fundamental rights, looking at potential violations of such rights, at the individual, collective and social levels, and will also analyzethe direct and indirect environmental impacts of AI applications, with the purpose of establishing limits and mitigating measures for damage, as a kind of certification or specific eco-label, taking into consideration the entire life cycle of the AI application. It also aims to analyze the feasibility of the application of the so-called weighting formula and the applicability of the "mathematical formula of R. Alexy revisited", from his dialogue with M. Suzi, but now looking at specific applications, and problems affecting Brazil, that is, taking into consideration the socio-cultural context in question, and vulnerable portions of our population, to subsequently apply in practical and paradigmatic cases such "framework" in a regulatory Sandbox, which may serve as a future model to be observed in order to assess the level of maturity, safety, trust and accountability for that particular case of AI application.On the other hand, it aims to contribute to the implementation of AI and big data governance instruments, taking into account the possible infringement of all fundamental rights, as well as the environmental impact, and to contribute to the increase of the level of transparency, explainability and contestability, and thus to social justice and "design justice", or "algorithmic justice". The project has, in short, the following general objectives: elaboration of a "framework" within the structure of an AI governance model for Brazil and Global South countries, in order to contribute to the development of an inclusive, democratic, multicultural model, taking into account the concept of Epistemologies of the South, based on the co-construction approach ("co-approach"), thus ensuring epistemic diversity, algorithmic justice, with an adequate protection of fundamental/human rights involving AI.The goal is to provide, therefore, an epistemological and methodological basis that does not exist in the national and international market for the creation of a "framework" that will contribute to the evaluation of the level of maturity of companies, institutions and private and public agencies, and to the increase of confidence in the national and international market, resulting in a contribution to the realization of the Democratic State of Law, as it corresponds to the adequate protection of the fundamental rights of all portions of the population. (AU)

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