Scholarship 09/00093-3 - Computação gráfica, Inteligência artificial - BV FAPESP
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Learning deformable 3D models from multiple views

Grant number: 09/00093-3
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research
Start date until: January 07, 2009
End date until: April 06, 2009
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Computer Science - Computing Methodologies and Techniques
Principal Investigator:Siome Klein Goldenstein
Grantee:Siome Klein Goldenstein
Host Investigator: Gabriel Taubin
Host Institution: Instituto de Computação (IC). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Institution abroad: Brown University, United States  


During this short visit, we will start a long project of collaboration where we will use computer vision, computer graphics, and artificial intelligence to learn tridimensional deformable models from multiple views. The first step toward this objective will use three types of information: silhouettes, depth-from-discontinuities, and dense stereo to reconstruct the volumetric hull of the model at every moment in time. Then, we will use develop a new set of algorihtms that will use the time-varying volumetric data as input to construct topologically consistent models over time, with properly parameterized dynamics and deformations. After that, the method can be then refined with the use of computational models of motion as constraints. Finally, the model needs a good representation, compression, transmission, and a good visualization for remote applications such as teleconference and sports and biomechanical data analysis. The goals of this first few months are clear: perform a literature review and write a survey, prepare two grant proposals (NSF and HP), and build a 3D capture system based on dense stereo using the prototype developed at Brown. (AU)

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