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The Galipeinae (Galipeeae, Rutaceae) in Bahia State, Brazil

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Carimi Cortez Ribeiro
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: Ribeirão Preto.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto (PCARP/BC)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Milton Groppo Junior; Ingrid Koch; Vitor Fernandes Oliveira de Miranda
Advisor: Milton Groppo Junior

The Rutaceae family has been the subject of several studies in the Neotropics. However, there are areas that need further more studies of its flora. Bahia has a great diversity of plant species, including plants of the Rutaceae family, especially the subtribe Galipeinae. Botanically unexplored areas, high biodiversity and endemism, like southern Bahia, has revealed new species to science, suggesting the need of floristic studies. The present work is part of the project \"Flora da Bahia\", developed by Bahian institutions in collaboration with universities and research centers from other states, which aims to raise the angiosperm flora of Bahia, and train new taxonomists. In this project, the taxonomic treatments of angiosperm groups are being performed at the level of families, tribes or genera. This work complements the project contributing to taxonomic studies of Galipeinae subtribe (Galipeeae, Rutaceae) of Bahia. In Bahia there is a large number of species of Galipeinae, mainly in the Atlantic Forest of south side. The subtribe Galipeinae is the most diverse group of Rutaceae of the Neotropics and the largest intra-family group, with ca. 26 genera and ca. 120 species. The Galipeinae differs from most Rutaceae due its tendency to zygomorphy flowers, transformation of fertile stamens into staminodes, these strucutures 2 to 5 (variously), anthers appendage, often plicate cotyledons and endosperm absence; the fruit is always dehiscent, capsule or follicle. The project was conducted following the usual methods in plant taxonomy, such as consulting the literature, visit the herbaria, loan materials, exsiccates analysis and field work. The results contain descriptions of the subtribe, genera, species, identification keys, comments of distribution, occurrence, phenology and common names of species reported only for the Bahia state, and illustrations in ink and photographs. In Bahia were raised 46 species of Subtribe Galipeinae, which 39.1% are endemic showing high degree of endemism in this region. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 12/24310-6 - Gaipeinae (Galipeeae, Rutaceae) no estado da Bahia, Brazil
Grantee:Carimi Cortez Ribeiro
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master