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Computer-supported Collaborative Argumentation in Undergraduate Chemistry Teaching

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Nilcimar dos Santos Souza
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Doctoral Thesis
Press: São Carlos.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Instituto de Química de São Carlos (IQSC/BT)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Salete Linhares Queiroz; Seiji Isotani; Marcelo Giordan Santos; Aguinaldo Robinson de Souza
Advisor: Salete Linhares Queiroz

This research is located at the intersection of studies regarding collaborative work, argumentation in science teaching and virtual teaching and learning environments. Thus, it addresses collaborative argumentation supported by computing in chemistry lessons. The objectives include: constructing the virtual teaching and learning environment, the methodological design of didactic activities based on solving socioscientific problems presented as case studies and the establishment of an analytical framework which is able to analyse the data collected in terms of obtaining answers to the following research questions: To what extent did the didactic activities carried out in benefit the practice of argumentation? What is the quality of the arguments put forward by students based on the performance of these activities? Which aspects were most important and influential for the quality of the arguments? The research was organized in two phases of planning, execution and analysis. In the planning stage, the case studies and the were developed. In the execution stage, undergraduate chemistry students solved the case studies in the various phases of activities. Initially, they individually constructed a text and an argumentative diagram using the initial responses to the case study. Afterwards, in pairs or groups of three, they discussed collaboratively, found a solution to the case study and produced a text about it. Finally, individually, a new text and argumentative diagram were produced. For the third stage, an analytical framework was made that subsidized the analysis of the quality of the collaborative discussions in the perspective of production quality and argumentative complexity, as well as quality and conceptual diversity. The discussions in the groups that solved four case studies were investigated based on the aforementioned framework. We observed that there was a tendency to produce more messages in the forum than the minimum required in the activity, which affected the level of argumentative production. Regarding the structure of the arguments developed in the discussions, a significant amount of argumentative components was used, raising the level of argumentative complexity of the discussions. Regarding the level of conceptual quality, the adequacy of the scientific, technological and environmental arguments, constructed considering laws and theories accepted by the scientific community, was preponderant. The texts and initial diagrams were also indicated as aspects that strongly influenced the practice and quality of argumentation in the groups. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 12/05437-5 - Computer-supported Collaborative Argumentation in Undergraduate Chemistry Teaching
Grantee:Nilcimar dos Santos Souza
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate