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The swan song of brasilian developmentalism: an analysis of the relationship between the industrial businessmen and the state from the II PND to the crisis of the 1980s

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Rafael Moraes
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Doctoral Thesis
Press: Campinas, SP.
Institution: Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Instituto de Economia
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Pedro Paulo Zahluth Bastos; Denis Maracci Gimenez; Armando Boito Junior; Pedro Cesar Dutra Fonseca; Alexandre Macchione Saes
Advisor: Pedro Paulo Zahluth Bastos

It is a broad consensus in the economic literature that the "II PND", implemented during the Geisel administration, was the last of the major investment plans headed by the State in Brazil. Its characteristics are only paralleled in the Vargas Government's investment programs and in the JK Government's "Plano de Metas". The scenario that settled in the country after its execution led, however, much of the literature to call into question its economic rationality, crediting its failures, an important contribution to the crisis of the 1980s. Only a few studies, partly produced by economists involved in the creation of the plan, defend its achievement and its economic assumptions. In this work, we propose a path of analysis that is still little discussed in the literature. In this case, we seek to understand the "II PND", not from its premises, not even from its results, but from the agents involved in its elaboration and execution, and its interests involved. Such a form of analysis has only become possible insofar as we break with the understanding of the State as an agent in the economic process and we treat it as the condensation of a relation of the class forces. It was only through this relational analysis that we could see how the different forms of internal adaptation to the crisis and the transformations arising from the external scenario led to new local power arrangements that imposed limits and directives on state action, which not only resulted in lower results than expected by the "II PND", but in the crisis of the 1980s. In this sense, we consider that the understanding of the dismantling of the internal fraction of the dominant classes in the second half of the 1970s not only prevented the achievement of better results for the "II PND", but put structural limits to any model industrial development, state centered. From this point of view, we can affirm that the developmentalist intent of the Geisel Government was the "swan song" of the industrialization projects headed by the State in Brazil (AU)

FAPESP's process: 14/00770-3 - "Swan song of the developmentalism brazilian" an analysis of industrial business relations with the state, of the II PND until the crises of the 1980s.
Grantee:Rafael Moraes
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate