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Work, mobility, circulation: the labour-power in movement

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Gil Felix
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Doctoral Thesis
Press: Campinas, SP.
Institution: Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Fernando Antonio Lourenço; Ricardo Antunes; Rosana Aparecida Baeninger; Delma Pessanha Neves; Jose Sergio Leite Lopes
Advisor: Fernando Antonio Lourenço

In this thesis, I analyze social processes of spatial mobility and labour-power circulation, considering, in particular, the transformations arising from the so-called flexible accumulation of capital and the characteristics that these transformations assume against specific aspects of dependent formations such as Brazil. In order to carry out previous research on the conditions for the constitution and social reproduction of the small rural production, on the one hand, and on the other, on the specificities of the reserve army in the dependent formations, data were analyzed for a new research stage of fieldwork held together with workers of a large mining industry project in the Eastern Amazon. As a result of Vale's global strategic plan, the major project in question consisted of the construction of a megamine and a metallurgical plant between 2007 and 2010, in order to explore the reserves of the Onça and Puma mountain ranges, located in the region bordering the municipalities of Ourilândia do Norte, Tucumã and São Felix do Xingu, in the state of Pará, northern Brazil. In this sense, in the first instance, I analyze the characteristics of the fronts of expansion, the large projects and the traffic of workers attracted and then expelled from the cities that receive these flows, as well as the respective social morphologies of displacement and trajectories of circulation of the labour-power that part of them establishes in several regions of the country, mainly in outsourced and subcontracted companies, in the agricultural companies, in the informal market remunerated by day of work or task and in the domestic employment. Then, considering these trajectories along with global trends of transformations in the world of work, I analyze the processes of acceleration and amplification of the mercantile circulation of the labour-power that have been occurring in the last decades and are, at least in the Brazilian case, directly related to a regime of super-exploitation of labour-power. Finally, I conclude that these processes imply a closer approximation between the active army and the reserve army and, therefore, in a new condition imposed on the working class (AU)

FAPESP's process: 11/22692-6 - Work, spatial mobility and social transformation: rural workers trajectories in the Eastern Amazon
Grantee:Gil Almeida Felix
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate