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Dynamic design of laminated piezocomposite structures (LAPS) using the Topological Optimization Method (TOM).

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Ruben Andres Salas Varela
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Doctoral Thesis
Press: São Paulo.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Escola Politécnica (EP/BC)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Emilio Carlos Nelli Silva; Flávio Buiochi; Eduardo Lenz Cardoso; Renato Pavanello; Marcelo Areias Trindade
Advisor: Emilio Carlos Nelli Silva

Laminated piezocomposite materials are composed by layers of piezoelectric, metal and composite material (epoxy matrix with carbon or glass fiber), which have advantages over conventional piezoelectric materials, because of their superior characteristics, which cannot be achieved by any of its components isolated, for example, more flexibility and strength and less weight. Under this approach, this work aims at the development of Laminated Piezocomposite Structures (LAPS) what primarily consist of multi-layer structures, through the transient and harmonic response design aiming at dynamic applications. Among the potential applications of these structures it can be cited actuators, motors, sonar devices and energy harvester, being of great interest the improvement of its dynamic characteristics and performance. The dynamic design of a LAPS is complex however it can be systematized by using the Topology Optimization Method (TOM). The TOM is a method based on the distribution of material in a fixed design domain with the aim of extremizing a cost function subject to constraints inherent to the problem by means of combining the optimization algorithms and the finite element method (FEM). The TOM formulation for the LAPS dynamic project aims to determine together the optimal topology of the materials for different layers, the polarization sign of the piezoelectric material and the fiber angle of the composite layer, in order to maximize the vibration amplitude at certain points (in actuators), or the generation of electrical energy from mechanical excitations (in energy harvesters). In addition, a TOM problem combining harmonic and transient approaches is formulated with the purpose of customizing EPLA response so that the response level is the same for different excitation waveforms (multi-entry transducers). The work includes design, simulation, manufacturing and characterization of prototypes. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 11/19979-1 - Dynamic Design of Laminated Piezocomposites Structures (LAPS) Using Topology Optimization Method (TOM)
Grantee:Ruben Andres Salas Varela
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate