Document type: | Patente |
Inventor(s): | DOS SANTOS, Philipe; VIGANO, Juliane; MARTINEZ, Julian; LOPES, Marcio |
Applicant: | Rubian Xtract Serviços Ltda ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) |
Deposit date: | June 2019, 28 |
INPI register: | |
IPC: | A61K 8/67 A61K 8/06 A61K 8/34 A61Q 19/00 A61K 8/31 A61K 8/9789 |
(EN) The present invention relates to miniemulsions comprising one or more bioactive fractions of Passiflora (passion fruit) selected from hydrophilic fractions, lipophilic fractions obtained by supercritical extraction or concentrated hydrophilic fractions of Passiflora (passion fruit) obtained by pressurized liquid extraction of Passiflora (passion fruit) with proven benefits of the enriched bioactive fractions isolated in the present invention, the miniemulsions, and products containing such miniemulsions with antioxidant properties that prevent or correct the different factors and mechanisms responsible for skin ageing. The miniemulsion according to the present invention can be used in cosmetic, nutraceutical, nutracosmetic, pharmaceutical and food products. The present invention also relates to cosmetic formulations for facial cleansing lotion, facial moisturizing serum and facial moisturizer with sun protection.
FAPESP's process: | 16/15023-4 - Research and development of miniemulsions using bioactive extracts of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) bagasse for use in cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry |
Grantee: | Philipe dos Santos |
Principal Investigator: | Philipe dos Santos |
Support Opportunities: | Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE |