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Eduardo Benedicto Ottoni


Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Instituto de Psicologia (IP)  (Institutional affiliation from the last research proposal)
Birthplace: Brazil

Ethologist, Bachelor in Biological Sciences (1983) and Master (1987), Doctor (1993) and habilitation (2009) in Experimental Psychology) from the University of São Paulo. Full Professor (University of São Paulo); Visiting Professor of Kyoto University (Japan, 2013), and CNPq Researcher (1D). Developed the project "Evolutionary Approaches to Culture" in a Sabbatical Year at the IEA (Institute of Advanced Studies, USP) (2019-2020). Conducts research in the fields of Evolutionary Psychology and Animal Behavior and Cognition, highlighting processes of social transmission of information and behavioral traditions in animals. Projects currently in development in the Cultural Evolution Laboratory (CEL) focus on the spontaneous use of tools by tufted capuchin monkeys (under natural conditions and in experimentally induced situations) as behavioral traditions, as well as on the ontogeny of social cognition in human children, and biases in the cultural transmission of information, with an emphasis on socially mediated learning processes. (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

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