Biomechanical behavior of titanium and zirconia fr... - BV FAPESP
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Biomechanical behavior of titanium and zirconia frameworks for implant-supported full-arch fixed dental prosthesis

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Tiossi, Rodrigo [1] ; Gomes, Erica Alves [2] ; Lapria Faria, Adriana Claudia [2] ; Silveira Rodrigues, Renata Cristina [2] ; Ribeiro, Ricardo Faria [2]
Total Authors: 5
[1] Univ Estadual Londrina, Sch Dent, Dept Restorat Dent, Rua Pernambuco 540, Londrina, PR - Brazil
[2] Univ Sao Paulo, Dept Dent Mat & Prosthodont, Ribeirao Preto Sch Dent, Ribeirao Preto, SP - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 2
Document type: Journal article
Web of Science Citations: 2

Background: The biomechanical behavior of implant-supported titanium and zirconia full-arch fixed dental prosthesis (FAFDP) frameworks require further investigation. Purpose: Strains transferred by implant-supported titanium (Ti) and zirconia (Zr) FAFDP frameworks were analyzed. Materials and Methods: Maxillary 14-unit FAFDPs supported by 6 implants and 12-unit FAFDPs supported by 4 implants were tested. One-piece frameworks were fabricated by computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing. Four groups were divided (n=3): G1, Ti-6 implants; G2, Zr-6 implants; G3, Ti-4 implants; G4, Zr-4 implants. A 250 N single-point load was applied on the second premolar. A three-dimensional digital image correlation system recorded framework and maxilla model surface deformation. Results: The following strains (S) averaged over the length of the second premolar were calculated: frameworks, G1 (321.82 +/- 11.29), G2 (638.87 +/- 108.64), G3 (377.77 +/- 28.64), G4 (434.18 +/- 132.21); model surface, G1 (473.99 +/- 48.69), G2 (653.93 +/- 45.26), G3 (1082.50 +/- 71.14), G4 (1218.26 +/- 230.37). Zirconia frameworks supported by 6 implants (G2) presented higher surface strains (P<.05). FAFDPs with titanium frameworks transferred significantly lower strains to the supporting maxilla when 6 implants were used (G1) (P<.05). Both framework materials transferred similar strains when supported by 4 implants (G3 and G4) (P>.05). Conclusions: Zirconia frameworks supported by 6 implants showed higher strains. FAFDPs supported by 6 implants transferred less strains to the supporting maxilla, irrespective of framework material. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 10/19221-9 - A digital image correlation analysis and non-linear 3D-FEM on the strain distribution of screwed and cemented fixed partial dentures fabricated by a CAD/CAM system in titanium and zirconia
Grantee:Rodrigo Tiossi
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
FAPESP's process: 10/00124-3 - Influence of mechanical cycling on loosening of retention screw in cemented and screwed fixed partial dentures fabricated with titanium and zirconia cad/cam system. In vitro analysis and non-linear analysis by 3D-FEA.
Grantee:Erica Alves Gomes
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
FAPESP's process: 11/01506-0 - A digital image correlation analysis and non-linear 3D-FEM on the strain distribution of screwed and cemented fixed partial dentures fabricated by a CAD/CAM system in titanium and zirconia
Grantee:Ricardo Faria Ribeiro
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants
FAPESP's process: 10/02218-5 - Influence of mechanical cycling on loosening of retention screw in cemented and screwed fixed partial dentures fabricated with titanium and zirconia cad/cam system. In vitro analysis and non-linear analysis by 3D-FEA
Grantee:Ricardo Faria Ribeiro
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants