Influence of supervised and home exercise on postu... - BV FAPESP
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Influence of supervised and home exercise on postural control in elderly subjects: A randomized controlled trial to prevent falls

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Erika Harumi Tanaka
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: Ribeirão Preto.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (PCARP/BC)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Daniela Cristina Carvalho de Abreu; Leani Souza Máximo Pereira
Advisor: Daniela Cristina Carvalho de Abreu

This is a randomized clinical trial study with 38 elderly (mean age 65.87 ± 3.86 years) that aimed to evaluate the influence of exercise on semi-static postural control of seniors aged above 60 years. Participants were randomized into three groups. Group S: 13 individuals who performed supervised activity during 20 sessions. Group D: 12 individuals performed two supervised sessions and 18 sessions at home. Group (C), control: 13 individuals who weren´t perform any exercises during 10 weeks. Questionnaire to identify the level of physical fitness (Baecke, 1982 - Changed for Elderly) and questionnaire of falls were applied to all participants. The upright balance were measured by means of the force platform in different positions, i.e., PFOA (fixed platform with eyes open), PFOF (fixed platform with eyes closed), PIOA (unstable platform with eyes open), PIOF (unstable platform with eyes closed), TANDEM OA (tandem position with eyes open), TANDEM OF (tandem position with eyes closed), UNIPODAL (single leg stance with eyes open). The interventions consisted of 5 minutes of warming up, 10 minutes of stretching, 35 minutes of balance training, and 5 minutes of relaxation, which were applied in all twenty sessions. After 10 weeks, all volunteers were reevaluated by means of questionnaires and force platform. The statistical analysis of data was performed with the Kruskal -Wallis test to found the homogeneity of the groups. The intention to treat principle was applied to the COP data with intragroup analysis (Wilcoxon) and intergroup analysis (Mann - Whitney). Significance level of 5% (p0.05) was adopted. When comparing the three groups (C , S, and D) , the D group showed improvement in body sway with the proposed protocol (PFOA , TANDEM OF and UNIPODAL), since the S group showed improvement (TANDEM OF , UNIPODAL) and worsening of body sway (PIOA , PIOF , TANDEM OA) . The exercises were sufficient to increase the postural control and reduce the rate of falls of older adults underwent a supervised and home based program. This improvement was observed according to the position adopted during the evaluation. The home based program despite having lower adherence to the program appears to have had greater benefits from the training protocol compared to the supervised group. Registration trial (REBEC RBR - 3S9M65). (AU)

FAPESP's process: 12/05666-4 - Influence of supervised and home exercise on postural control in elderly subjects: A randomized controlled trial to prevent falls
Grantee:Erika Harumi Tanaka
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master