A low-cost brewery waste as a carbon source in bio... - BV FAPESP
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A low-cost brewery waste as a carbon source in bio-surfactant production

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Nazareth, Talita Correa [1] ; Zanutto, Conrado Planas [1] ; Maass, Danielle [2] ; Ulson de Souza, Antonio Augusto [1] ; Ulson de Souza, Selene Maria de Arruda Guelli [1]
Total Authors: 5
[1] Fed Univ Santa Catarina UFSC, Dept Chem & Food Engn EQA, BR-88040900 Florianopolis, SC - Brazil
[2] Fed Univ Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Inst Sci & Technol ICT, Talim 330, Room 246, BR-12231280 Sao Jose Dos Campos, SP - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 2
Document type: Journal article
Source: Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering; v. 44, n. 11, p. 2269-2276, NOV 2021.
Web of Science Citations: 1

This work aims to produce bio-surfactant using a brewery waste (trub) as a strategy to reduce production costs related to the substrate, as well as to provide an eco-friendly destination for this residue. Trub is obtained during the boiling of the wort, being mainly composed of proteins and reducing sugars. To evaluate important process parameters on bio-surfactant production, a full factorial design (2(4)) was elaborated, having agitation rate and concentrations of trub, yeast extract, and peptone as independent variables. The highest bio-surfactant concentration achieved was 100.76 mg L-1, where FTIR and Maldi-ToF-MS confirmed functional groups characteristic of peptides and isomers of surfactin in the bio-surfactant extract. Trub, agitation and yeast extract showed statistically significant effects on the response variable (surface tension), where an increase in the agitation rate and in the concentration of yeast extract demonstrated a positive impact on the production of bio-surfactant. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 19/07659-4 - Valorization of metals present in metal-rich wastes by biomining process - BIOMETALVALUE
Grantee:Danielle Maass
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants