Active Glutaminase C Self-assembles into a Suprate... - BV FAPESP
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Active Glutaminase C Self-assembles into a Supratetrameric Oligomer That Can Be Disrupted by an Allosteric Inhibitor

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Scota Ferreira, Amanda Petrina [1] ; Cassago, Alexandre [2] ; Goncalves, Kaliandra de Almeida [1] ; Dias, Marilia Meira [1] ; Adamoski, Douglas [1] ; Rodrigues Ascencao, Carolline Fernanda [1] ; Honorato, Rodrigo Vargas [1] ; de Oliveira, Juliana Ferreira [1] ; Ferreira, Igor Monteze [1] ; Fornezari, Camila [1] ; Bettini, Jefferson [2] ; Lopes Oliveira, Paulo Sergio [1] ; Paes Leme, Adriana Franco [1] ; Portugal, Rodrigo Villares [2] ; Berteli Ambrosio, Andre Luis [1] ; Gomes Dias, Sandra Martha [1]
Total Authors: 16
[1] CNPEM, Lab Nacionais Biociencias, BR-13083100 Campinas, SP - Brazil
[2] CNPEM, BR-13083100 Campinas, SP - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 2
Document type: Journal article
Source: Journal of Biological Chemistry; v. 288, n. 39, p. 28009-28020, SEP 27 2013.
Web of Science Citations: 28

The phosphate-dependent transition between enzymatically inert dimers into catalytically capable tetramers has long been the accepted mechanism for the glutaminase activation. Here, we demonstrate that activated glutaminase C(GAC) self-assembles into a helical, fiber-like double-stranded oligomer and propose a molecular model consisting of seven tetramer copies per turn per strand interacting via the N-terminal domains. The loop (LRFNKL326)-L-321 is projected as the major regulating element for self-assembly and enzyme activation. Furthermore, the previously identified in vivo lysine acetylation (Lys(311) in humans, Lys(316) in mouse) is here proposed as an important down-regulator of superoligomer assembly and protein activation. Bis-2-(5-phenylacetamido-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl) ethyl sulfide, a known glutaminase inhibitor, completely disrupted the higher order oligomer, explaining its allosteric mechanism of inhibition via tetramer stabilization. A direct correlation between the tendency to self-assemble and the activity levels of the three mammalian glutaminase isozymes was established, with GAC being the most active enzyme while forming the longest structures. Lastly, the ectopic expression of a fiber-prone superactive GAC mutant in MDA-MB 231 cancer cells provided considerable proliferative advantages to transformed cells. These findings yield unique implications for the development of GAC-oriented therapeutics targeting tumor metabolism. (AU)

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Support Opportunities: Research Grants - Young Investigators Grants
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Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
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Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral