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The use of actual topotypes to produce genotypes and cytotypes in the taxonomic review of the Mazama genus: the basis for the species conservation

Grant number: 17/07014-8
Support Opportunities:BIOTA-FAPESP Program - Thematic Grants
Duration: July 01, 2018 - June 30, 2025
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Veterinary Medicine - Animal Reproduction
Principal Investigator:José Maurício Barbanti Duarte
Grantee:José Maurício Barbanti Duarte
Host Institution: Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias (FCAV). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Jaboticabal. Jaboticabal , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Alexandre Vogliotti ; Fernando de Camargo Passos ; Renato Caparroz ; Rogério Vieira Rossi
Associated scholarship(s):23/07473-3 - Development of protocols for conservation and culture of cells to obtain cytogenetic preparations in Cervids, BP.PD
23/03104-3 - Assistance in obtaining licenses and collections of topotypes, BP.TT
22/14370-3 - Cytogenetic and molecular analysis of Veado-roxo (Mazama nemorivaga) in Brazil, BP.MS
+ associated scholarships 23/03637-1 - Assistant in obtaining licenses and topotypes collections and organization of the data bank., BP.TT
22/12504-2 - The use of actual topotypes to produce genotypes and citotypes in the taxonomic review of Mazama genus: the basis to the species conservation., BP.TT
21/14536-6 - Evolution and speciation of Neotropical deer: a cytogenetic and molecular approach., BP.DR
21/13187-8 - Use of DNA Sequences from museum specimens for the taxonomic review of Mazama, BP.PD
21/10376-4 - Assistance in obtaining licenses and topotype collections, BP.TT
21/00966-9 - Co-occurrence and ecological drivers of brocket deer occupancy in the Atlantic Forest, BP.PD
20/04516-5 - Assistance in obtaining licenses and collections of topotypes, BP.TT
19/20052-1 - Management and maintenance of deer breeding stock in captivity, BP.TT
19/05420-4 - Morphological, cytogenetic and molecular characterization of Mazama rondoni (Miranda Ribeiro, 1914), BP.MS
19/03851-8 - Assistant in obtaining licenses and topotypes collections and organization of the data bank, BP.TT
17/02200-8 - Distribution and gene flow between genetic variants of the red brocket deer (Mazama americana Erxleben, 1777) in Brazil, BP.DR
15/25742-5 - Distribution and density of Mazama genus deer species at the Atlantic Forest, BP.PD - associated scholarships


Brocket deer species, Mazama genus, are known as a group of mammals with important taxonomic issues. Mostly, this is due to a high level of homoplasy of morphological characters and high karyotyping diversity. These characteristics suggests that there are still many species to be described, once karyotyping differences among populations generates post-zygotic reproductive barriers. In order to re-describe the species it is necessary to collect specimens at the type localities where each genus name were previously described in a sense of verifying its genetics and morphological constitution and the presence of chromosomal barriers and molecular structure. For these purposes, specimens will be collected at the type localities (new topotypes) of each of the available name, that are considered today a synonymous of known species. Helped by local teams, about 45 specimens will be collected at 16 countries following a chronological sequences of the publications in order to verify its validity. Skin and testis fragments, frozen in liquid nitrogen, will be collected. Also, samples of liver, kidneys, spleen and muscles will be collected and preserved in absolute ethanol. All the bones will be cleaned and conserved as dried specimens. The skin will be treated with a tannery solution for deposition in scientific collection. The specimens will be evaluated cytogenetically (chromosomal biometry, G band, C band, NOR band, telomeric FISH and chromosomal paint), molecularly (Cytochrome B, D-Loop, ND5, COI, α-LAlb, IL16, MGF) and morphologically (biometry, skull, post-skull, skin and photographs) and compared with patterns previously obtained for the older names. Sperm FISH experiments of gametic segregation will be carried out to evaluate the thresholds of the chromosomal differences that became efficient reproductive barriers. From this point, that threshold will be considered to describe distinct species. Moreover, methodological studies will be developed to evaluate hair samples as a potential non-invasive biological matrix for morphology, cytogenetics and molecular genetics. Also, the species group speciation process will have an ecological approach to understand the micro and macro environmental niche dimensions overlap among well-established species. With the scientific advance intended with this project it is expected to give sustainability to the IUCN threatened categorizations process contributing to unknown or neglected species conservation. Also, it is expected to strengthen the cervidology of Latin America with technology exchange among the established research groups and creation of new groups in countries where this research field is incipient. (AU)

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Scientific publications (11)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SANDOVAL, ELUZAI DINAI PINTO; VACARI, GABRIELLE QUEIROZ; JULIA, JUAN PABLO; GONZALEZ, SUSANA; VOZDOVA, MILUSE; CERNOHORSKA, HALINA; KUBICKOVA, SVATAVA; KALTHOFF, DANIELA C.; DUARTE, JOSE MAURICIO BARBANTI. Assessing the Taxonomic Status of the Gray Brocket Mazama simplicicornis argentina Lonnberg, 1919 (Artiodactyla: Cervidae). ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES, v. 62, p. 11-pg., . (17/07014-8, 19/06940-1)
SANDOVAL, ELUZAI DINAI PINTO; BERNEGOSSI, AGDA MARIA; GALLINA, SONIA; REYNA-HURTADO, RAFAEL; DUARTE, JOSE MAURICIO BARBANTI. Cytogenetic, molecular, and morphological characterization of Odocoileus pandora (Merriam, 1901) (Artiodactyla, Cervidae). CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, v. N/A, p. 13-pg., . (17/07014-8)
MORALES-DONOSO, JORGE ALFONSO; VACARI, GABRIELLE QUEIROZ; BERNEGOSSI, AGDA MARIA; PINTO SANDOVAL, ELUZAI DINAI; FARIA PERES, PEDRO HENRIQUE; GALINDO, DAVID JAVIER; DE THOISY, BENOIT; VOZDOVA, MILUSE; KUBICKOVA, SVATAVA; BARBANTI DUARTE, JOSE MAURICIO. Revalidation of Passalites Gloger, 1841 for the Amazon brown brocket deer P. nemorivagus (Cuvier, 1817) (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Cervidae). ZOOKEYS, v. N/A, n. 1167, p. 24-pg., . (17/07014-8, 19/06940-1)
DE OLIVEIRA, MARCIO LEITE; DE FARIA PERES, PEDRO HENRIQUE; GATTI, ANDRESSA; MORALES-DONOSO, JORGE ALFONSO; MANGINI, PAULO ROGERIO; DUARTE, JOSE MAURICIO BARBANTI. Faecal DNA and camera traps detect an evolutionarily significant unit of the Amazonian brocket deer in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE RESEARCH, v. 66, n. 2, . (17/07014-8, 17/02200-8, 15/25742-5)
DE FARIA PERES, PEDRO HENRIQUE; GROTTA-NETO, FRANCISCO; LUDUVERIO, DOUGLAS JOVINO; DE OLIVEIRA, MARCIO LEITE; BARBANTI DUARTE, JOSE MAURICIO. Implications of unreliable species identification methods for Neotropical deer conservation planning. PERSPECTIVES IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, v. 19, n. 4, p. 435-442, . (17/02200-8, 17/07014-8, 15/25742-5)
BERNEGOSSI, AGDA MARIA; VOZDOVA, MILUSE; CERNOHORSKA, HALINA; KUBICKOVA, SVATAVA; GALINDO, DAVID JAVIER; KADLCIKOVA, DITA; RUBES, JIRI; BARBANTI DUARTE, JOSE MAURICIO. Cytogenetic Mapping of Cattle BAC Probes for the Hypothetical Ancestral Karyotype of the Family Cervidae. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, v. N/A, p. 8-pg., . (17/07014-8, 19/20810-3, 19/06940-1, 18/25769-9)
GALINDO, DAVID JAVIER; MARTINS, GABRIELA SIQUEIRA; VOZDOVA, MILUSE; CERNOHORSKA, HALINA; KUBICKOVA, SVATAVA; BERNEGOSSI, AGDA MARIA; KADLCIKOVA, DITA; RUBES, JIRI; DUARTE, JOSE MAURICIO BARBANTI. Chromosomal Polymorphism and Speciation: The Case of the Genus Mazama (Cetartiodactyla; Cervidae). GENES, v. 12, n. 2, . (17/07014-8, 10/50748-3, 19/06940-1)
GALINDO, D. J.; VOZDOVA, M.; KUBICKOVA, S.; CERNOHORSKA, H.; BERNEGOSSI, A. M.; KADLCIKOVA, D.; RUBES, J.; DUARTE, J. M. B.. Sperm chromosome segregation of rob(4;16) and rob(4;16)inv(4) in the brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira). Theriogenology, v. 168, p. 33-40, . (17/07014-8)
BEATRIZ F. S. DA SILVA; MÁRCIO L. DE OLIVEIRA; JOSÉ M. B. DUARTE. Assessing the morphological identification of guard hairs from Brazilian deer. IHERINGIA SERIE ZOOLOGIA, v. 110, . (17/07014-8, 17/02021-6, 15/25742-5)
PINTO SANDOVAL, ELUZAI DINAI; ROLA, LUCIANA DINIZ; MORALES-DONOSO, JORGE ALFONSO; GALLINA, SONIA; REYNA-HURTADO, RAFAEL; BARBANTI DUARTE, JOSE MAURICIO. Integrative analysis of Mazama temama (Artiodactyla: Cervidae) and designation of a neotype for the species. JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY, v. 103, n. 2, p. 12-pg., . (17/07014-8)

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