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Hydrometeorological Monitoring System (HMS) based on remote sensing products


Rainfall is the main responsible for water supply and maintenance of rivers, lakes, dams and reservoirs over Brazil. Thus, satellite-based rainfall estimates becomes an excellent tool for monitoring this resource in several regions where the rainfall network is sparse and the radars do not cover the entire territory. The GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) satellite constellation mission, which main piece is the GPM satellite, is generating the development of more accurate methodologies for the estimation of precipitation. On the other hand, the knowledge of the daily precipitation cycle (CDP) is important to understand the specific physical and / or dynamic mechanisms associated with the spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation. The main difficulty to understand these processes is the lack of pluviometry information in the time scale of hours and low spatial and temporal representativeness of these data. This project proposes to increase the knowledge of the CDP from methodologies that use data from the GPM constellation and gauge data from South America. It is expected that, from the results of this research, to have a more precise knowledge about the preferential times when rainfall occurs over Brazil and therefore becomes a useful information to develop studies on climate variability and, on the other hand, to develop an interactive geographic information system (GIS) with historical and real-time data precipitation estimated by satellite and adjusted by rain gauges of the last 15 years for the municipalities and river basins of Brazil and make this data available to all interested users, especially the Public Managers of the various governmental spheres. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
ROZANTE, JOSE ROBERTO; GUTIERREZ, ENVER RAMIREZ; FERNANDES, ALEX DE ALMEIDA; VILA, DANIEL A.. Performance of precipitation products obtained from combinations of satellite and surface observations. International Journal of Remote Sensing, v. 41, n. 19, p. 7585-7604, . (18/11160-2)

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