Research Grants 18/12831-8 - Reatores químicos - BV FAPESP
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In situ synthesis of biodegradable polymers using nanocrystalline and microfibrillated cellulose and lignin with no functionalization


Lignocellulosic fibers can be fractionated in hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin. Cellulose and lignin are the two most abundant biopolymers on earth, and although widely used (pulp and paper industry, civil industry, etc.), their application can be increased, due to their great abundance. From cellulose, it is possible to extract microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) and nanocrystalline cellulose (CNC). In this project, it will be evaluated the use of MFC, CNC and lignin for the production of composites of poly (vinyl acetate) (PVAc), poly (caprolactone) (PCL) and poly (butylene-co-terephthalate) (PBAT). One of the highlights of this project is the use of CNC, MFC and lignin without any type of functionalization in the in situ polymerization, which would potentially simplify the process and reduce the price of the final product. In the case of PVAc, the emulsion polymerization will be carried out, where CNC, MFC or lignin will be dispersed in the aqueous phase before the polymerization. For the case of PCL, the ring-opening polymerization of caprolactone will be performed, using CNC as reinforcement and hydroxyl source in the ROP synthesis. It is expected to form a covalent chemical bond between the CNC and PCL. A computational code, able to predict the behavior of hydroxyl group of CNC in the ROP of caprolactone, will be also developed. The PCL-bonded CNC produced in this synthesis will be used as reinforcement in the production of PBAT composites by casting. It is expected that the PCL attached to the CNC will improve the dispersion of the CNC in the PBAT. The polymer will be characterized measuring molecular weights, viscosity, Zeta potential, particle size distribution, thermal and mechanical properties, microscopies and other analyzes, if necessary. (AU)

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Scientific publications (10)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
FELTRIN, FELIPE DA SILVA; AGNER, TAMARA; SAYER, CLAUDIA; FERRARESO LONA, LILIANE MARIA. Curcumin encapsulation in functional PLGA nanoparticles: A promising strategy for cancer therapies. ADVANCES IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, v. 300, p. 36-pg., . (18/12831-8)
FERREIRA, V, FILIPE; OTONI, CAIO G.; DE FRANCE, KEVIN J.; BARUD, HERNANE S.; LONA, LILIANE M. F.; CRANSTON, EMILY D.; ROJAS, ORLANDO J.. Porous nanocellulose gels and foams: Breakthrough status in the development of scaffolds for tissue engineering. MATERIALS TODAY, v. 37, p. 126-141, . (16/09588-9, 18/16851-3, 18/12831-8, 18/25512-8)
ROSA, RAPHAEL P.; FERREIRA, FILIPE V.; LONA, LILIANE M. F.. Modeling of Ring Opening Polymerization: A short review with insights on how to develop the method of moments. Chemical Engineering Science, v. 246, . (18/12831-8, 16/09588-9, 16/19847-1)
BANIN, GUILHERME; VIEIRA, RONIERIK PIOLI; FERRARESO LONA, LILIANE MARIA. Artificial neural networks towards average properties targets in styrene ARGET-ATRP. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, v. 407, . (18/12831-8)
ASSUMPCAO, NOEMI R. L.; LONA, LILIANE M. F.. Effect of Lignin without Surface Treatment inIn SituMethylMethacrylate Miniemulsion Polymerization. ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, v. 10, n. 10, p. 8-pg., . (18/12831-8)
SANTOS, CAMILA C. O.; V. FERREIRA, FILIPE; PINHEIRO, IVANEI F.; LONA, LILIANE M. F.. Lignin valorization through polymer grafting by ring-opening polymerization and its application in health, packaging, and coating. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 11, n. 3, p. 20-pg., . (18/12831-8, 21/09341-1, 20/07956-6)
FERREIRA, V, FILIPE; SOUZA, LUCAS P.; MARTINS, THAIS M. M.; LOPES, JOAO H.; MATTOS, BRUNO D.; MARIANO, MARCOS; PINHEIRO, IVANEI F.; VALVERDE, THALITA M.; LIVI, SEBASTIEN; CAMILLI, JOSE A.; et al. Nanocellulose/bioactive glass cryogels as scaffolds for bone regeneration. NANOSCALE, v. 11, n. 42, p. 19842-19849, . (18/12831-8, 18/16851-3, 16/09588-9, 10/05394-9)
BONI, FELIPE R.; FERREIRA, FILIPE V.; PINHEIRO, IVANEI F.; ROCCO, SILVANA A.; SFORCA, MAURICIO L.; LONA, LILIANE M. F.. Synthesis and analysis of phase segregation of polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) copolymer obtained by Steglich esterification from semitelechelic blocks of polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate). Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 137, n. 45, . (16/09588-9, 18/12831-8, 16/08595-1)
DA SILVA FELTRIN, FELIPE; D'ANGELO, NATALIA AIMEE; DE OLIVEIRA GUARNIERI, JOAO PAULO; LOPES, ANDRE MORENI; LANCELLOTTI, MARCELO; LONA, LILIANE MARIA FERRARESO. Selection and Control of Process Conditions Enable the Preparation of Curcumin-Loaded Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Nanoparticles of Superior Performance. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 15, n. 22, p. 14-pg., . (18/12831-8, 21/09341-1, 20/03727-2, 18/10799-0, 17/10789-1)

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