Research Grants 18/21415-8 - Audiologia, Perda auditiva - BV FAPESP
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Elaboration of an online home intervention program for the development of children's hearing skills: accession of parents


In order to reduce existing physical and financial barriers between patients and the specialized therapeutic process and make speech therapy more attractive and motivating, innovative measures have been developed, adjusted to the contemporary profile of children and the socioeconomic conditions of their families. The objective of this work will be to elaborate an online home intervention program for the development of auditory abilities, as a tool to support the parents of children with hearing impairment inserted in speech and hearing therapy. Ten children aged 5 to 10 years, with bilateral severe-to-deep sensorineural hearing loss, users of individual sound amplification apparatus and / or cochlear implant, their respective parents and ten speech-language pathologists will participate in the study. An online hearing development program will be built consisting of: 1- informative module with therapeutic orientations directed to parents; 2- child-oriented auditory training module. Five speech therapists judges will assist in the selection of materials for the program. In the pilot study, parents and participants will receive the necessary guidance for the auditory training of the children at home, in the period of 30 days, for 30 minutes a day. At the end, parents and five judges will respond to the Emory questionnaire for program evaluation and family involvement in the therapeutic process. It is hoped that this work will positively impact the development of the hearing abilities of the trained children and act as a tool to support, encourage and empower the parents regarding participation in the process of auditory rehabilitation, expansion of possibilities and breaking of geographical barriers. (AU)

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