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Statistical education and financial education in basic school

Grant number: 19/08242-0
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: August 01, 2019 - July 31, 2021
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Education - Educational Teaching and Learning
Principal Investigator:Saddo Ag Almouloud
Grantee:Saddo Ag Almouloud
Host Institution: Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e Tecnologia. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers: Celso Ribeiro Campos ; Cileda de Queiroz e Silva Coutinho ; Gerson Pastre de Oliveira ; Maria José Ferreira da Silva


The Research presented in this project has as main objective the study of phenomena of teaching and learning of Statistics, Probability, Combinatorics and Financial Education. In its development, we will seek to answer the following questions: What factors influence the teaching and learning process of Mathematics with the use of alternative resources such as information and communication technologies? What actions do you develop with teachers to provide them with a significant seizure of problems involving the use of these resources? What factors should guide the initial and continuing training of teachers in relation to the use of these resources? The methodological procedures to be used will be related to the methodology of didactic engineering, documental and bibliographic research and the statistical implicative analysis. As expected results, we aimed to establish a collaborative group of teachers in exercise for the development of stuff (AU)

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