Research Grants 19/12164-4 - Geomorfologia, Degradação ambiental - BV FAPESP
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Recovering of degraded areas of the environment Protection Area for Sustainable Use at Timburi, Presidente Prudente county, SP State, Brazil


In its history the Pontal do Paranapanema-SP territory had gone through intense deforestation processes replacing native areas of semidecidual seasonal forest (Mata Atlântica Biome) and savannas by pasture and crops causing different forms of environmental degradation in several relief compartments. This historical process is result of public and private polices aimed to occupy the Pontal do Paranapanema territory. So, this disordered occupation, without adequate planning, leads to serious problems of erosion (laminar and linear) in sand textured soils (Latossolos, Argissolos and Neossolos Litólicos), originated from sandstones from Adamantina Formation, from the Bauru Group, resulting in grooving, ravines, gullies, suppression of water sources, water courses crowding etc. This project aims to apply bioengeneering techniques in order to establish alternate methodologies of linear erosion control by means of barriers made of bamboo and jute sacks (EMBRAPA, 1997) due to its low costs and ease of establishment, in areas of degraded water sources located at the environmental protection and sustainable area of Timburi in the Presidente Prudente-SP county. Erosive spots (grooves, ravines and gullies) will be identified and located in order to analyze the dynamics of the erosive processes and also characterize the pluviometric aspects (soil erodibility and rain erosivity). Methodologies will be studied in order to apply recovering techniques in areas degraded by erosion processes. Field, office and laboratory works will be done in order to identify the aspects of the territory occupation history, of the native and nowadays vegetation cover, of the land use, of the relief morphology, of the geological basement, of the soil types and of the climatological conditions. I this sense, this work will be performed together of the farmers and should encourage them to develop sharing mechanisms of their practices and experiences with their neighborhood, enabling the development of sustainable territorial polices that appreciate the social relationships and the environment in an inseparable way. (AU)

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