Research and Innovation: Development of high-performance aeronautical batteries based on LiFePO4 cell technology
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Development of high-performance aeronautical batteries based on LiFePO4 cell technology

Grant number: 19/16264-3
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Aerospace Engineering - Aerospace Systems
Principal Investigator:Arthur Roza Augusto
Grantee:Arthur Roza Augusto
Company:Lace Serviços de Engenharia e Representação Ltda
CNAE: Fabricação de turbinas, motores e outros componentes e peças para aeronaves
City: São José dos Campos
Pesquisadores principais:
Henrique Lemos de Faria ; Saint Clair Henrique Nunes
Associated research grant(s):21/12066-2 - Development of high-performance modular aeronautical batteries based on LiFePO4 cell technology, AP.PIPE


The proposed research is based in the analysis and development of LiFePO4 batteries to verify its viability for the aeronautical sector, including new vehicles for urban mobility, that uses lighter and more secure cells technology. The project aims to develop means to achieve good results for certification tests (electrical and environmental), required by airworthiness authorities (ex.: ANAC, EASA e FAA).Na aeronautical battery is composed by, besides the battery cells, embedded electronics for aircraft electrical system integration for recharge, health monitoring and environmental conditioning, ex.: temperature control. Nowadays, the aircraft batteries have an auxiliary role, considering the engine generators and APU, being responsible for energy supply in soil, engine start and energy supply in electrical emergency during flight. Its applicability, however, has been expanding with the advent of new technologies. The in this initial phase, we intend to evaluate the technical viability of this product, performing electrical and environmental tests during the product development, following aeronautical requirements, that are extremely rigorous when dealing with batteries. (AU)

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